But could you fax us through a revised budget - say by the end of the week?
We decided to propose that the accounts be adjusted to a sum that would meet the revised budget guidelines and require that amounts over the budget be reimbursed by each executive.
The Congressional Budget Office recently reached a similar conclusion, and revised up its inflation forecast for this year.
On November 15th Eurostat, the European statistics agency, revised Greece's budget shortfall for last year up to 15.4%.
With no growth likely this year, the budget deficit has been revised up to 11.9% of GDP, excluding the bank bail-out costs.
If you haven't revised your budget in the past few years—or if you don't have one at all—it's time to get a better sense of where your money is going.
The precise make-up of the emergency budget will depend upon what Mr Darling himself does in his own budget in spring 2010, with revised Treasury forecasts and details on how he will squeeze spending.
The country is targeting excise tax revenue in 2009 of 48.2 trillion rupiah, an increase of 2.7 trillion rupiah compared to the revised 2008 state budget.
In reply to the questions raised from the floor, the Secretariat confirmed that it had developed a revised methodology for costing personnel resources in WIPO's budget.
Only by take into account of China's actual situation, can the revised "Budget Law" really play an active role.
Italy's much-revised emergency budget (the second within two months) passed its first parliamentary hurdle by winning approval in the Senate.
Italy's much-revised emergency budget (the second within two months) passed its first parliamentary hurdle by winning approval in the Senate.