To complete Map Revision, 3d - Scene Rebuilding, Construction Modeling, Engineer Survey and other missions by using the vehicle laser - scanning technology is the important direction of research.
By using 1:500 topographic map updating 1:2000 topographic through generalization of automatic cartography, decrease the burden of UBGIS data revision.
通过地图自动缩编利用1:50 0地形图更新1:20 00地形图,减少城市基础地理信息系统的更新负担。
By using 1:500 topographic map updating 1:2000 topographic through generalization of automatic cartography, decrease the burden of UBGIS data revision.
通过地图自动缩编利用1:50 0地形图更新1:20 00地形图,减少城市基础地理信息系统的更新负担。