The revitalized team comes from the cellar to win the pennant.
Like Ford, revitalized GM did well in the institute's safety ratings this year.
From 1980's on, the importance of railway was realized, so that it is revitalized.
In the last three decades optics has been revitalized by several important discoveries.
The digestive system is toned, massaged and revitalized via pressure on the internal organs.
The 1984 Louisiana World Exposition revitalized the warehouse district but was a financial disaster.
Might one day an impulsive moment, I will move to its mirrored in the flowers, it revitalized it.
He would soon have dark and twisted designs of ruling over a revitalized Empire as Palpatine once had.
SOIL revitalized three large public toilets, paid locals to manage them, and performed hygiene education.
Similarly, the former closed end-walls have been revitalized, with windows and balconies overlooking more of the area.
This World community Service project built the school, supplied backpacks and uniforms, and revitalized the community.
But for these reasons and more, we began last January to lay the foundation for a revitalized Asia-Pacific relationship.
This is followed by rollout, which sees the introduction of the new or revitalized brand, as well as the education of the workforce.
The fresh, revitalized feeling you have stepping out of the shower will spill over as positivity into your first few tasks of the day.
The vast majority of articles simply trumpet their alleged value, using vague phrases such as "feel revitalized" and "appear radiant".
It was revitalized by turning the desolated waterfront into a public beach and constructing a boating pier for the use of local residents.
It was revitalized by turning the desolated waterfront into a public beach and constructing a boating pier for the use of local residents.
On a prominent urban site, the building creates a gateway to the university's revitalized city campus and the southern end of Sydney's CBD.
Finally reach a conclusion: Only by following the model of native of aesthetic content, the Chinese mainland idol drama has been revitalized.
J's survival revitalized to's sense of mission: to offer orphans not only education, but the love and support that families would have provided.
What will women do now? The poll suggests that there is tremendous potential for an expanded, revitalized, and updated women's equality movement.
Furthermore, even assuming that the lighting would reduce crime, a reduction in crime does not automatically result in a revitalized neighborhood.
If images in the film could embody a kind of implicit beauty, which is difficult to grasp and understand, the film's creativity would be revitalized.
The revitalized train station is now the main office of Rumia Public Library, which serves both the local community and tourists traveling to the Polish seaside.
Without Yahoo around, Google could become so powerful in search and display ads that antitrust regulators end up doing more harm than a revitalized Yahoo ever could.
If you are already married, the two of you may cook up a brand new goal to work on together, and in so doing find your relationship is energized and revitalized almost instantly!
If you are already married, the two of you may cook up a brand new goal to work on together, and in so doing find your relationship is energized and revitalized almost instantly!