Now he has to play his ace in a bid to revive his flagging fortunes.
In the 1950s Arendt re-established ties with him and labored to revive his reputation.
Corzine was widely viewed as attempting to revive his Wall Street career by taking the helm at MF Global.
For George Soros it offers a chance of a different sort: to revive his favourite intellectual theory.
To his credit, Mr Dell has consistently said that a new model is needed to revive his firm; his difficulty has been finding one.
It is important that you maintain the new good habit through practice and praise, or your dog may revive his old annoying barking habits again.
If she co-operates with Mr Bush in dealing with these thorns, she risks handing him domestic victories that could help revive his flagging presidency.
Carrey is, of course, one of the biggest movie stars around but he'll appear in two interesting films this year that could revive his image as an edgy comedian.
Mr Cameron's promise on March 18th to bring in an economy-wide floor price for carbon did much to revive his reputation for greenery, which had sagged as the economy slumped.
His interest in other matters did not seem to revive, and he grew apparently languid and depressed.
This week he returned to Washington to explain the snappy beauty of his “9-9-9” plan to revive the economy by scrapping the income tax and replacing it with a flat tax and sales tax.
In other words, he hoped to revive in some way the spirit of the ancients of antiquity, but to modify it in the lights of his own experience.
The seven-man, five-woman panel instead heard testimony about efforts to revive Jackson, who the paramedics and emergency room doctor thought was dead at his rented mansion.
Of course we've been over this before but because of his age and his selective memory I revive all the usual arguments: Mechanics take their own cars apart.
“We need to revive an energetic Japan,” Mr Kan said at his inaugural news conference in June.
Even so, after his speech before Congress, he sent Christopher to the Middle East to revive the stalled peace talks and make good on his campaign promise of a warmer relationship with Israel.
It wasn't his fault that his programme to revive Russia's infrastructure so far hadn't worked.
It's interesting that the company freezes corpses stating that modern technologies are able to revive any person even in 15 minutes after his death.
And much more serious than that, because it affects the whole world, is his failure to put anything worthwhile on the table to help revive the moribund Doha round of trade talks.
Butt let not a man trust his victory over his nature too far, for nature will lay buried a great time, and yet revive, upon the occasion or temptation.
The hero, Don Quixote, loses his wits from reading too many romances and comes to believe that he is a knight destined to revive the golden age of chivalry.
The hero, Don Quixote, loses his wits from reading too many romances and comes to believe that he is a knight destined to revive the golden age of chivalry.