The Red Bull logo with its sun, rhomb, bulls and font has given inspiration to the design.
The surface of the former is full of round granule while the latter is in the shape of rhomb.
The retardation of the Fresnel rhomb phase retarder was measured with the measurement error less than 0.3%.
The rhomb has been used in the CO2 laser heterodyne detection system, and the transfer efficiency is more than 93 %.
Recent development of theory and application of the RUSM (rhomb unit structural model) for amorphous alloys are reviewed.
Adoption of tri-rhomb PLC control make its trirhomb surface show, the numbers of boxes permunites, and length of packing.
So the theoretical basis is provided for optimizing achromatism of the rhomb-type retarder and the material selecting scope can be extended.
Leather furniture (bull), round furniture (sun), rhomb pattern in carpet and thin black lines (font) recurs in the office such as frames and furniture legs.
Based on the total-reflection phase transformation theory, the Fresnel rhomb retarder is obtained with a structure Angle with which the phase retardation is insensitive to the Angle of incidence.
The paper describes the effective measures taken to reduce off grade product with home scrap, rhomb and horizontal crack, and consequently improving the quality of the continuously casting product.
The paper describes the effective measures taken to reduce off grade product with home scrap, rhomb and horizontal crack, and consequently improving the quality of the continuously casting product.