A30 culture showed good control efficiency to rice sheath blight in the field.
The incidence of rice sheath blight was about 5% and the disease grade is relative less;
The control effect of Wengmeiqing (validamycin) and its mixture on rice sheath blight disease was tested in field.
We compared the induction effects of them against the rice sheath blight. The result shows that BTH and COS have the stronge inducing effects against the pathogen.
Genetic studies on rice resistance to sheath blight were slow in that ideal resistant resources and effective method to identify resistance to rice sheath blight were short.
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the development rule of rice sheath blight in rice-duck-fish complex ecosystem. A model was established based on experiment data.
Based on investigation materials of the occurrence degree of rice sheath blight, long period prediction models were built by means of correlative analysis with several predisposition factors.
The harm degree of the rice blast and the rice sheath blight was detected according to the distance characteristic, at present there had not defined the only method of digital image distance.
The biological activity assay of the crude toxin showed that it could induce the characteristic symptom of rice sheath blight and inhibit the growth of rice radicle and make the seedling wilting.
These results suggested that in vitro screened rice somatic mutants resistant to sheath blight had the similar resistant mechanism as general resistant varieties.
For 3 years, the method is applied as a demonstration by 6000 peasants in 100 villages of 13 towns, and achieves the preventative effect on the sheath blight of the wheat and the rice.
The results supported that rice resistance to sheath blight was a hereditable character and selection to resistance was effective.
The research was conducted to reveal the regular of resistance to sheath blight and chitinase activities of 13 transgenic rice lines which modified by chitinase gene and other anti-fungal genes.
The research was conducted to reveal the regular of resistance to sheath blight and chitinase activities of 13 transgenic rice lines which modified by chitinase gene and other anti-fungal genes.