That's why Rick Adelman couldn't really connect with Artest.
However, coach Rick Adelman prepared his team as if Yao wouldn't be available.
With Yao and McGrady out, Houston coach Rick Adelman is in desperate need for a go-to guy.
"We tried to get people touches earlier or on the move," Rockets coach Rick Adelman said.
These above two points illustrate why Rick Adelman may have been hesitant to activate McGrady.
Perhaps it is time for Rockets coach Rick Adelman for a brand new glasses time, or more suitable for him a pair of binoculars or even the spine .
Then while Rick Adelman was doing his pregame interviews outside the locker room, McGrady walked out in uniform, as if he really was going to play.
If Rick Adelman and Daryl Morey want to know exactly where their team stands in the Western Conference pecking order, they will certainly have a good idea at the end of November.
While it could simply have been rust and the natural re-adjustment to the pace of the NBA game, it's possible that Tracy just still isn't physically at a level acceptable to Rick Adelman.
Tonight, I was trying to pick my spots, trying to find open guys, which coach (Rick) Adelman told me before summer league I need to work.
Tonight, I was trying to pick my spots, trying to find open guys, which coach (Rick) Adelman told me before summer league I need to work.