It is unclear whether he is the rifleman or an accomplice.
Refinery - Sell after the Harverster comes out. Send the Rifleman to protect your expansion.
The brightly polished granite surface depicts the poncho wearing rifleman as they climbed up a Korean hill.
You won't have to worry about extra upgrades here, since the AP Bullets will affect both the Hammerhead and the Rifleman Squad.
Rifleman at the ready! Basic infantry units, the Riflemen are able to deal withstand moderate damage. In large enough Numbers, they are almost unstoppable.
Rifleman NAT the ready! Basic infantry units, the Riflemen are able to deal withstand moderate damage. In large enough Numbers, they are almost unstoppable.
The best use of the support weapon is to be fired from the prone position, in bursts to suppress the enemy, while the squad rifleman flank around to kill the enemy.
The best use of the support weapon is to be fired from the prone position, in bursts to suppress the enemy, while the squad rifleman flank around to kill the enemy.