Jury Rigger - 15: Repair 30 items.
The machine applies to the metallurgical, railway, port and machinery industries rigger materials operations.
The information you will find in this course will help you whether you are a game rigger of a feature film rigger.
Finally, here’s a large three-masted square-rigger flying five tiers of square sails and several head sails, with a lateen sail aft.
最后,来介绍这种巨大的三桅杆方帆船,带有五对方形帆和数面前帆,船尾还有一面大三角帆(lateen sail)。
This is popularly called sailing under “jib and jigger”—the jigger being an old square-rigger term for the aft-most mast flying a triangular sail.
It is a startling sight atop one of the most recognizable structures in Washington: a rope rigger, climbing out on the tip of the 169-meter-high Washington Monument.
The rigger is making preparations for a team of engineers to rappel down the sides of the monument - to inspect damage from the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked Washington in August.
The rigger is making preparations for a team of engineers to rappel down the sides of the monument - to inspect damage from the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked Washington in August.