It's time for all of us to take action right away!
In general, the harm of wasted masks to the sea is serious, so we must take action to stop it right now.
I agree with the upbeat sentiment in many of your documents: countries can radically change the health situation by seizing the right opportunities for action.
Access these options by clicking the top right corner of the widget to open the action menu.
Sometimes we feel that it is of vital importance to choose the right course of action.
In the past lenders ofteninsisted on financial covenants when companies took out loans; breach of thosecovenants gave the lenders the right to take action.
This action displays an editor in the middle of the page and a set of controls on the right.
Right now, take out a sheet of paper and write down a list of BENEFITS you will RECEIVE from taking action.
This involves stimulating both the left and right sides of the heart, in order to synchronise their contraction. That, in turn, improves the pumping action.
This involves stimulating both the left and right sides of the heart, in order to synchronise their contraction.That, in turn, improves the pumping action.
The broadness of the definition is particularly worrisome because private companies are given a right to take action under the bill.
I hope you're the type that takes action, and more importantly the right type of action.
Of course, you need to put what you read into action, but reading the right things can give you amazing new ideas.
Sometimes being in the right place at the right time or taking one particular course of action over another can make all the difference.
Input and output pins on the actions are ordered starting at the lower-right corner of the containing action, and they proceed clockwise around the action to the lower right side.
Input and output pins on the actions are ordered starting at the lower-right corner of the containing action, and they proceed clockwise around the action to the lower-right side.
Shortly after that, either right after because of deliberate action, or shortly after because it was just discovered, somebody decides to build something using that tree.
The poet was right in supposing Higginson was “occupied”; hers was a life of contemplation, his one of action.
You can add a show drop-down action to the right side of your action bar to allow users to show a preview on the bottom or on the side.
MyBlogLog is a widget that allows you to see other bloggers on the MyBlogLog network, as they visit your site. You can see it in action on the right hand side of this post.
You can add to the right-click mouse action of a selected person, multiple selected people, or a group by using the following livenames.PersonSelection extension.
可使用以下livenames.PersonSelection extension 将其添加到一个、多个或一组选定用户的右击活动中。
This special triangle structure brings the right of action special functions which are different from other rights: to safeguard right, to control power and to settle social disputes peacefully.
Fairness means that judges in deciding a case should be equal treatment of parties, the parties to respect the right of action, so that they remain a neutral position.
But it must obey the general law of the civil action taking litigants 'right of action as the basis of procedure construction.
If the decision is not granted, it shall, in the light of the relevant terms approved, sign the opinion, and explain the reasons, and inform the right of action.
Where by this clause any dispute or difference is to be referred to arbitration the making of an award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action by either party against the other.
According to the relation between the right of action and adjudicative power, the right of action can be divided into procedural right of claim and formation.
According to the relation between the right of action and adjudicative power, the right of action can be divided into procedural right of claim and formation.