As far as I'm concerned, information on the Internet isn't always right, and we must remain sceptical of the Internet information.
At far right is the tower of the Woolworth building, and in the left-center is the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island.
Room number nine was at the far end of the corridor where it turned sharply to the right.
Farmer is very concerned about the need to alert the public to poor security and, so far, events have proved him right.
Occasionally one can determine whether stone tools were used in the right hand or the left, and it is even possible to assess how far back this feature can be traced.
Although many people say the new Barbies are a step in the right direction, some people say they don't go far enough.
When you leave the tourist information centre, turn right and follow Willow Lane until it joins Pine Street and then right opposite—on the far side of the railway tracks—is the café.
Right into the early 20th century, kitchens were smoky, noisy places, generally located underground, or to the back of the house, and as far from living space as possible.
They're now at the far side of the building on the right in the corner overlooking the car park.
As far as right now, just study hard and learn the materials that will help you succeed.
The first two of these symbols were unknown, but Champollion knew that the repeated hieroglyphs to the far-right symbolized an "S" sound.
And there are many occasions where being right will take you far; like choosing the best place to raise a family.
Then mountains, and on the right, far below, I sometimes see the Naches River.
Brighter stars peering through the auroral glow at the left form the recognizable northern asterism, the Big Dipper. A more compact Pleiades star cluster shines at the far right.
The overall picture is of a Labour market that continues to chug along in the right direction, albeit far too slowly.
Peaks from the Alps can be seen across the far right, just below the freshly rising Sun.
The zoning page can be reached using the far right button in the group on the bottom lefthand corner of the window.
Aged: Matt LeBlanc, pictured last week, right, looks a far cry from the ladies' man Joey Tribbiani he played in Friends.
All right, so far, about speeds and average velocities and accelerations.
About 10% of lefties have their language function on the right hemisphere - far more than their right-handed brethren - and about 30% straddle both sides.
As he changed lanes, he noticed the white pickup ahead of him move from the far-right lane to the center lane without signaling.
So the choice that most people have made to standardize on a BPEL engine is the right choice... by far.
Even as Chinese media tracked him throughout the past year, Mr. Liu rehabilitated his callused right foot far from the public eye.
The frame at the far right has been compressed slightly to bring into view an intriguing interacting pair of background galaxies.
Almost nothing has been done so far to right these wrongs, or otherwise rein in the excesses of the financial system.
You will actually see different parts of the image when you're on the far-left screen, as you would when on the far-right one.
Mr Fischer believes policymakers are “right to go far to avoid default”.
On the far right side of the toolbar, there is a button that looks like an ellipsis (...).
Right now, investors seem far more like lumberjacks at an all-you-can-eat buffet than claustrophobes trapped in a lift.
Right now, investors seem far more like lumberjacks at an all-you-can-eat buffet than claustrophobes trapped in a lift.