Former Finnish Parliament member Mirja Ryynanen urged participants to tell stories and use emotion in approaching policy makers to explain and justify peoples right to be information literate.
前芬兰议院员Mirja Ryynanen鼓励与会者向政策决策者晓之以理,动之以情,向他们说明并证明获得信息素质是人的正当权利。
In this case, that hint says to right-justify the content.
The code in Listing 17 adds the Justify Right formatting button.
It will then right-justify (using a %*s) the operator itself (submatch(2)) into a second field that's max_op_width characters wide.
随后将运算符本身(submatch(2))右对齐(使用 %*s)到第二个字段,其字符宽度为 max_op_width。
The HTML align values of left, center, right, and justify map to the XSL-FO text-align values of start, center, end, and justify.
HTMLalign的left 、center 、 right和justify 值映射成XSL-FO text-align 的start 、 center 、end 和 justify 。
The justify option can be used to align the column values to the right, center, or left of a column.
The commitment and costs involved are naturally likely to be a little more than those associated with a traditional trust company but in the right circumstances the end may justify the means.
THE E WOLF AND THE LAMBA Wolf meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea, which should justify to the Lamb himself his right to eat him.
It's right that those who are guilty are punished but it should have involved more the individuals and more clubs so it would have been easier to justify certain verdicts.
It's right that those who are guilty are punished but it should have involved more the individuals and more clubs so it would have been easier to justify certain verdicts.