What it emphasized is the ownership of the right of management of the enterprises.
The manager's objective may ha different horn that of the owner's because the right of management is Separated from the right of ownership in a modem enterprise.
Erecting company property system makes company property right and right of management be divided for twice and form the company juridical person administering structure.
Other situations that cause the actual control right of management and decision-making, finance, HR, and technology, etc. of domestic enterprises to be transferred to foreign investors.
The talents ownership and their employment are issues concerning understanding and evaluation, but the right of management is a leading issue related to human resource management and development.
I company is manufacture Bentonite pin profession manufacturer. I take charge of take the lead through ISO9001:2000 product quality authentication, and has the import and export right of management.
我公司是生产膨润土产品的专业生产商,已经通过ISO 9001: 2000产品质量认证,并拥有进出口经营权。
There are many problems of teaching archives in university management, for example, broken and low quality of information, confused in duty and right of management, feeble service consciousness, etc.
Getting the risk management right is one of the reasons why Banks like UBS prefer to have full control of operations in the region.
To make the right revenue management decisions, a deeper understanding of your competitive position is required.
Without the right policies and procedures in place, technology alone will leave your management team without a point of reference for measuring performance.
You know you've got it right when the rest of the management team is worried about a success-disaster: if we make our Numbers, won't all the sales reps all get rich?
Involving farmer groupings in the management of the new pumping and water control systems means that water gets to the right field at the right time, thus boosting crop yields and farmers' incomes.
Including the list of waiting and executing tasks in the management interface allows you to see not only how hard the application is working, but what it is working on right now.
The right mixture of hands-off management, clever use of technology and balanced globalisation can be a recipe for success, in sport as in any other business.
It's been said that management; is the art of getting things done right; leadership is the art of getting the right things done.
Proper tooling and automation of the right tasks in test management will greatly improve its value and benefits.
Flexible project management requires a balance of both the left and right brain, hard and soft skills.
In order to help the team move towards self organization, the right level of management involvement is required.
Right now it compiles its own list of changes, which in effect duplicates the project management by Eclipse.
The current state of software quality management practices often is governed by the phrase, Do it right the first time.
当前的软件质量管理实践状态通常由“一次成功(Doitrightthe firsttime)”这句话来指导。
it takes a substantial amount of management time and money to find the right candidates and bring them up to speed.
According to a poll by the consultants at Right Management, some 84% of employees planned to look for jobs in 2011, up from 60% the year before.
据睿仕管理公司(Right Management)的一份调查显示,2011年,约84%的员工计划跳槽,而去年这一比例仅有60%。
Right away, a default user registry is enabled out-of-the-box for better identity management, and a secure service integration bus enforces the use of secure transport protocols.
We also discuss how companies in different countries are structured to provide the right incentives for management and the right degree of control by outside investors.
It is necessary to make a right decision in a short period of time, so workers always feel responsible for people and equipment that are in operational management.
But I would argue that another really important part of management is knowing the appropriate techniques for reaching right answers.
But I would argue that another really important part of management is knowing the appropriate techniques for reaching right answers.