There is no clear right or wrong prescription to the extent that a solution is needed.
It is easy to imagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.
She also wants to explain that there are no right or wrong answers regarding manners on this front yet, because the technology is just now becoming mainstream.
You can have a discussion about what's right or wrong, and it will lead to the right answer.
It is hard to say whether there's a right or wrong way to read poems, but reading practices will enrich your experience, increase your enjoyment, and deepen your understanding of any poem.
Whether Ingham is right or wrong, her supporters say opponents are trying unfairly to silence her.
In early period, there were no half-measures: usage was either right or wrong, and it was the task of the grammarian not simply to record alternatives, but to pronounce judgement upon them.
"Moral" meaning not right or wrong, but having to do with making choices.
As there are no right or wrong answers in personality tests, you can't revise for them.
I guess all teachers are supposed to side with the school no matter right or wrong.
Is there a right or wrong answer to life's questions, or are there just different ones?
There is no right or wrong in this technique. There is only the image and how it speaks.
The simplest is that you won't find whether you are right or wrong for a very long time.
This is not often a critical decision, and there may be no definitively right or wrong answer.
There are no right or wrong numbers, since the purpose of the graph is to trigger discussion.
I find the whole thing bizarre. Travel is a purely individual pursuit - there is no right or wrong.
Many parents seem to have adopted the attitude "My child, right or wrong" — with devastating results.
True, some problems can be given that clearly have a right or wrong answer. But most are not so clear cut.
Right or wrong, I believe that including references to both genders is tedious for the patient reader.
Let's look at how Web sites, taking different marketing perspectives, get customer research right or wrong.
Designs are never one hundred percent correct; they can only be proven right or wrong during implementation.
There's so many ways to grieve, and none of them are right or wrong, but it certainly is an interesting time.
But now you might wonder: if you don’t know about whether anaction is right or wrong by your senses, then how
Remember, these questions have no right or wrong answers. Because asking the right questions is the answer.
There are no right or wrong grids, simply grids that are more suitable for different content and design objectives.
But as with most sophisticated endeavors, there is no clear right or wrong prescription for the range of solutions needed.
As you mull these questions over in your mind, Brown-Volkman reminds professionals, "There are no right or wrong answers."
But those travels have not phased good old Thompson, cause he is not "the judge or the jury relative to right or wrong."
It is the voice which tells you whether everything else is true or false, right or wrong, good or bad as you have defined it.
It is the voice which tells you whether everything else is true or false, right or wrong, good or bad as you have defined it.