They may only eat the food on the right-hand-side of their plate, or only shave half their face.
For example, the sign for sleep is to put both hands together, and then to place the hands flat against the right side of your face, and then to lower your head slightly to the right.
Take the wadding and sandwich it between the two denim pieces - the right side of the denim pieces should face out.
Although she was very beautiful, there was a severe scar that covered nearly the whole right side of her face.
The patient has a history of recurrent seizures treated with oral anticonvulsant therapy, and she has a large port-wine stain on the right side of her face.
The hair is parted on the right, makingthis side of the face more open while the right eye is slightly larger than theleft.
The face component of the classical somatosensory homunculus has long been thought to be oriented right-side up along the central sulcus of the human brain, the rest is upside down.
If the chi energy is moving properly, there will be a band of clear energy that runs up the right and down the left side allowing one's face to be visible through the colors of one's auric field.
The hair is parted on the right, making this side of the face more open while the right eye is slightly larger than the left.
"The left side of his face was smaller than the right, " study author11 and retired eye doctor Ronald Fishman told WR News.
I still can feel all of the right side if my body; especially my face, eye, etc.
Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar that covered nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.
Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar that covered nearly the entire right side of her face.
It is at the right side of the Chongsheng Temple, face to face with the Er Sea, against the Cang Mountain, lies close with the Dali ancient city.
It is at the right side of the Chongsheng Temple, face to face with the Er Sea, against the Cang Mountain, lies close with the Dali ancient city.