With the right levels of florigen yields increase because it instructs plants when to stop making leaves and start making flowers, which in turn produce fruit.
Involving farmer groupings in the management of the new pumping and water control systems means that water gets to the right field at the right time, thus boosting crop yields and farmers' incomes.
So when Italian and Spanish bond yields jumped up again (see chart right) there was only one institution with the capacity to act: the ECB.
The right way, argues Alexander Mueller of the FAO, is for farmers in poor countries to boost their yields.
But it is precisely these low yields that create the winemaker's desired effect-juice that is full of intense, sweet, true-to-varietal flavors with just the right balance of acidity.
An expression list containing at least one comma yields a tuple. The length of the tuple is the number of expressions in the list. The expressions are evaluated from left to right.
The value of an expression depends on how the subexpressions are grouped. For example, in the following expression, a purely left-to-right evaluation yields 20.
When done accurately this method of processing guitar tops yields wood that displays the medullary rays that run at a right angle to the growth of the grain.
When done accurately this method of processing guitar tops yields wood that displays the medullary rays that run at a right angle to the growth of the grain.