The protests escalated into five days of rioting.
Police in London are lining up a huge police operation for the Notting Hill Carnival in the wake of the rioting and looting that hit the city earlier this month.
There were ugly scenes in the streets last night as rioting continued.
They are rioting in the streets.
Students were rioting everywhere in 1968.
His conviction caused rioting in the streets.
The unsatisfied workers are rioting in the streets.
Also this month, rioting erupted at a petrol station in the coastal city of Ningbo.
Rioting supporters of a traditional king in Uganda have shut down the capital Kampala.
Some of those who dare to take the lead in rioting may become useful people through education.
Rioting broke out in Rome a day later (see article), just as it did when Mr Berlusconi was confirmed in office in December 2010.
Ethnic rioting in Kyrgyzstan between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in the south of the country displaced hundreds of thousands and threatened to turn into a civil war.
Today, these neighbourhoods remain tense: 21,000 vehicles were burned in the first six months of this year alone-twice as many as during the three weeks of rioting.
For opportunistic folks who used social media tools to find and jump into recent rioting and looting in London, those same tools could be used to nab them soon enough.
On Wednesday night, police named the man found shot in his car in Croydon following rioting on Monday night as Trevor Ellis, 26. He suffered a gunshot wound to the head.
London (CNN) — Heavy policing has brought calm to London after several days of rioting and looting, but trouble has continued to spread to other cities around the country.
This was prompted by the fact that on the second night of rioting, on Sunday, the age profile of the looters was much younger than on Saturday, with more teenagers now involved.
The Boston Bruins won the 7th and deciding game of the 2011 NHL Stanley Cup last night and the fans of losing team Vancouver Canucks drowned their sorrow in drink and rioting.
The Boston Bruins won the 7th and deciding game of the 2011 NHL Stanley Cup last night and the fans of losing team Vancouver Canucks drowned their sorrow in drink and rioting.