Ripley cites the writings of renowned sociologist, James Coleman, whose research in education was groundbreaking.
In this month's Atlantic cover article, The Case Against High-School Sports, Amanda Ripley argues that school-sponsored sports programs should be seriously cut.
Ripley indulges a popular obsession with international test score comparisons, which show wide and frightening gaps between the United States and other countries.
This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.
This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.
Others see it differently, they see Ripley breaking the mould.
Now, by day, parker worked in an iron foundry in the Ohio port of ripley.
It was written by Ben Ripley, who then got Jake Gyllenhaal interested in it.
Ripley goes further than previous efforts to secure the integrity of Web applications.
Play it safe: Microsoft researchers have used Ripley to secure several Web applications, including games.
Originally conceived as a male character, Ripley would go on to form the heart and soul of the Alien pictures.
Ripley: Theres a monster in your chest. These guys hijacked your ship, and they sold your cryo tube to this… human.
Sigourney Weaver, in an evolution of her role as Ripley in 1979's Alien, plays the gruff scientist who runs the avatar program.
In "The Smartest Kids in the World" (2013) Amanda Ripley follows American exchange students in Finland, Poland and South Korea.
His Ripley has now settled into an amoral way of life, supremely confident in himself, in his skills and in his reading of others.
For good measure, it is Ripley whose misplaced maternal instincts (hurrying off in search of the ship's cat) enable her to avoid the monster's attack.
Views toward the Ripley Valley and surrounds are maximised through the building's open plan design with full height Windows where possible throughout.
Achilles Heel: She really hates those aliens, meaning Ripley could be lured into all kinds of traps if she thought there was a xenomorph in need of exploding.
The solution that he and Kiciman devised was to instead run a "headless browser"--an emulator that simulates only the functions of a Web browser essential to Ripley.
I love the alien versus Ripley-in-a-construction-robot battle scene where Bishop's head, torso and arms slide across the grating when Ripley opens the outer hatch.
UC Berkeley's Barth notes that Ripley is part of a larger trend in solutions that protect the integrity of client-side code by assuring that no unauthorized behavior can occur.
The discovery solves a mystery that has dogged researchers for decades, says geochemist Edward Ripley of Indiana University, Bloomington, who was not affiliated with the study.
Sometimes this allows Ripley to predict what the next client-side application request will be before it has even been made by the client, and preemptively push data to the client.
Sometimes this allows Ripley to predict what the next client-side application request will be before it has even been made by the client, and preemptively push data to the client.