Introduce to a 64-bit RISC microprocessor design.
The development of instruction level power model is discussed to our self-made LS-RISC microprocessor.
针对笔者自主研制的LS -RISC微处理器,讨论了其指令级功耗模型的开发。
RISC microprocessor is developed by using modular design method and VHDL language based on FPGA and EDA technology.
This paper introduces the design of RISC microprocessor with pipelining based on FPGA, which is included the design of key modules and pipelining.
According to that, a 32bit configurable media-enhanced RISC microprocessor RISC32 (RISC3201 and RISC3202) is designed for media processing and system controlling.
According to three aspects: data types, instruction formats, and instruction set, the architecture of an embedded 32 bit RISC microprocessor is introduced in this paper.
According to three aspects: data types, instruction formats, and instruction set, the architecture of an embedded 32 bit RISC microprocessor is introduced in this paper.