Good hygiene helps to minimize the risk of infection.
Local infection rates in nymphal ticks may be low (< 20%) with a low risk of infection (<5%) from a detected, attached tick (most people who get Lyme disease do not notice the tick).
If they are negative, or untested, they might resent you keeping it to yourself, adding unnecessary worry about any risk of infection they might have been in.
Current treatments for rheumatoid arthritis can reduce pain, but they do not work for everyone. They also have side effects such as an increased risk of infection.
It also means that patients needing transfusions - such as those with cancer and leukaemia - could be given perfectly matched blood, with no risk of infection.
He and his colleagues evaluated a new method for rapidly and accurately detecting animals at risk of infection.
The infection status and degree of engorgement of the tick, and therefore the risk of infection, are generally not known.
The risk of infection for travellers to Turkey is negligible provided direct contact with dead or diseased domestic and wild birds is avoided.
If precautions are taken with everyone, health care workers do not have to make assumptions about people's lifestyles and risk of infection.
While restricting web surfing to trusted sites should reduce the risk of infection, the malicious code can be injected into any website.
Your doctor may also instruct you to clean your eyelashes daily or more often in the days leading up to surgery, to remove debris and minimize your risk of infection.
His solution is to seek out those at greatest risk of infection, such as the growing Numbers of Russian drug users, and offer prompt treatment rather than waiting for them at clinics.
Relatives claimed patients were left, sometimes for hours, in wet or soiled sheets, putting them at increased risk of infection.
When visiting the barbers there is no risk of infection unless the skin is cut and infected blood gets into the wound.
Oral tetracyclines will minimize the risk of infection.
Any surgery carries the risk of infection, and the procedure itself can actually damage the blood vessels, making them more vulnerable to clots and aneurysms.
Open biopsies are no more accurate but are far more complicated, requiring sedation or general anesthesia, incisions, stitches, often scars, and a much higher risk of infection.
To examine the risk factors for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (MTI) among Greenlandic children for the purpose of identifying those at highest risk of infection.
Globally, the evidence demonstrates that there is no risk of infection when birds and eggs are well-cooked, as this kills the virus.
For people in contact with live birds, the greatest concern relates to the risk of infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus in areas where the disease is endemic.
It is prevalent in Egypt and Pakistan, for example, where people who receive health-care injections are most at risk of infection.
Certain occupational groups such as herders, farmers, slaughterhouse workers and veterinarians are therefore at higher risk of infection.
Don't pick at any scabs, which increases the risk of infection and can damage the design and cause scarring.
But as other markets mature and capital moves more fluidly across the globe, the risk of infection spreading the other way grows.
Your doctor may prescribe eyedrops to reduce inflammation and the risk of infection.
Your doctor may prescribe eyedrops to reduce inflammation and the risk of infection.