"The risk-reward ratio is worst for non-founders in pre-traction/pre-funding situations, " he writes.
So how does a company strike the right risk-reward balance and get the competitive benefit of taking risks safely?
This makes the risk-reward this time around more towards a weaker currency, but that just ba_sed on the momentum going into the meeting.
While there may be further downside in the coming months, the risk-reward setup is skewed to the upside for the first time in several quarters.
I mean, you certainly could make a fortune buying them I mean, I'm certainly not telling you it's not going to work, but I think it's all risk-reward.
No doubt he has given similar consideration to his communication strategy and determined that where fiscal policy is concerned, speaking up doesn't pass the risk-reward test.
The soaring bond prices have prompted some bulls to pull in their horns, and Buffett indicated he believes the risk-reward tradeoff on bond purchases at current prices isn't good.
As long as the owner does not assume the responsibility for resolving this risk-reward dilemma, the concept of a truly integrated system for design and construction cannot be realized.
In order to achieve a successful outcome or reward, some level of risk is almost always essential.
More orthodox approaches look at career choices: if you're willing to be a lumberjack, part of that decision is to accept risk in exchange for financial reward.
“There are still hurdles to the merger, but the risk/reward looks very attractive, ” Credit Suisse wrote in a report to clients.
“There are still hurdles to the merger, but the risk/reward looks very attractive,” Credit Suisse wrote in a report to clients.
One is that, for a polar bear, the risk from attacking humans is higher, and the reward much lower, than patiently waiting to clobber a fat, unsuspecting seal.
The Fed is anxious to calm the credit markets, so that the economy's funds are allocated in line with risk and reward.
As for liquidity, a three-month loan can less readily be exchanged for cash than an overnight one and lenders require a reward for that risk.
We believe risk/reward remains favorable predicated on gross margin tailwinds, revenue growth opportunities, anticipated upward revisions to EPS and valuation.
International investors are not prepared to finance bankrupt sovereign states without getting ample reward for the risk.
"This results in us being motivated to go grab that potentially rewarding thing, be it food (or any other primitive reward) or money, " said Kuhnen, who studies how risk plays out in the brain.
Some dealers might see the gains on offer as fair reward for taking on risk and making markets.
Thinking about this as a market of stocks, rather than about the stock market, will focus you on what's really important: the trade-off between risk and reward.
To Steinberg, this shows clearly that risk-taking rises not from puny thinking but from a higher regard for reward.
They may risk being stung for the sweet reward of honey, or out of curiosity for this fascinating insect.
Does that mean greater EU engagement with its neighbours amounts to a policy of high risk and low reward?
They argued that the equity-risk premium, as the name suggests, was a reward for risk and could not be guaranteed.
"We will not shy away from high-risk, high-reward projects because of short term earnings pressure," the statement said.
“我们不会因为短期的收入压力而害怕高风险、高回报的项目。” 拉里·佩奇和塞吉·布林曾经这样说。
The answer is that the potential prize is simply so large these days that the reward outweighs the risk of legal defeat.
To me, looking at the most likely gain -- 12.6% -- and the likelihood that my assumptions tilt toward the overly optimistic, the reward isn't there in this stock for taking the risk.
Brown also said pay and bonuses "cannot reward failure or encourage unacceptable risk-taking" but declined to back a cap.
Brown also said pay and bonuses "cannot reward failure or encourage unacceptable risk-taking" but declined to back a cap.