Since potential markets for the minority businesses already exist through the sponsoring companies, the minority businesses face considerably less risk in terms of location and market fluctuation.
The management and team behavior varies considerably as a project tracking the risk curve (shown in Figure 7) moves through its lifecycle.
Text messaging also results in considerably reduced driving performance, with young drivers at particular risk of the effects of distraction resulting from this use.
Multicentre surveillance data showed that the risk of disseminated BCG disease in HIV-infected infants is considerably higher than previously estimated, although likely to be under-estimated.
Having diabetes increases one's risk of cardiovascular disease considerably.
These statistics can be misleading because cumulative risk of developing the cancer in any 20-yr period is considerably lower.
At that time, the team might recognize that the cost and schedule targets are overly aggressive, thus involving considerably more risk than previously understood.
The study also found that women who got high levels of physical activity were able to reduce their risk of death considerably, compared with those who did little or no activity.
By concentrating on these aspects of risk, I suspect that investors would be considerably better served in avoiding the permanent impairment of their capital.
While developing considerably, export trade of our country has also puzzled by the question of serious credit risk.
The ease of management, operative risk, and outcome of bile duct injuries vary considerably, and are highly dependent on the type of injury and its location.
It is found that by using the proper navigation strategy, it can reduce the risk of cascading failure considerably.
Auditing risk is one of the vital problems to be solved in auditing industry of China. The research of auditing risk is considerably worth to be done.
Auditing risk is one of the vital problems to be solved in auditing industry of China. The research of auditing risk is considerably worth to be done.