By risk exposure — the impact multiplied by the likelihood of occurrence.
Models "increased risk exposure instead of limiting it", says Mr Taleb.
Both trust and entrusted loans have limited direct-risk exposure to the commercial Banks.
Finally, a set of recommendations will be provided to further improve the reduction of risk exposure.
The question of risk exposure and liability in the provision of professional engineering design services, are studied.
This fragmented IT landscape made it exceedingly difficult to track a bank's overall risk exposure before and during the crisis.
This allowed company finance directors (and speculators) to change their risk exposure depending on their view of where rates would go.
But as a younger investor, you want to have a bit more risk exposure, since greater risk tends to translate into greater returns over the long term.
The asymmetry manifests itself in the following way: losing on a long position reduces one's risk exposure while losing on a short position increases it.
The goal of credit risk management is to maximise a bank's risk-adjusted rate of return by maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters.
The younger sister had had no obvious risk exposures, and investigators concluded that the only possible risk exposure was them sharing a razor to shave their legs.
As the degree of interest rates liberalization getting deeper and deeper, interest rate risk exposure in commercial Banks has become the theme of many finance studies.
In general, controls and displays should be organized in an interface according to three attributes: frequency of use, degree of dislocation, and degree of risk exposure.
Therefore, we can study the risk exposure through measuring the fluctuation of stock price of listed Banks and then make comprehensive evaluation of these Banks' competitiveness.
The conventional methods of managing credit risk, such as diversification, bank loan sales, and asset securitisation, offer only a partial solution to controlling credit risk exposure.
We look at the types and causes of operational risk events and control environments, as well as how the design and effectiveness of this environment can affect operational risk exposure.
The project lifecycle provides stakeholders with oversight, transparency, and steering mechanisms to control project funding, scope, risk exposure, value provided, and other aspects of the process.
项目生命周期向 涉众提供了监督、透明和指导机制,从而控制项目资金、范围、风险、价值以及该过程的其他方面。
Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.
So in the NRC world these are the multiple barriers to public exposure and public risk.
Epidemiological investigation identified a possible risk factor as exposure to wild bird faeces found around the house.
The risk of unprotected exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases is far higher: for example, more than 90 percent of unvaccinated people exposed to measles will become infected.
It has been used experimentally to protect veterinary and laboratory personnel at high risk of exposure to RVF.
Health care workers are also encouraged to make sure they are aware of their HIV status so that they can avoid putting themselves at risk of exposure.
Merely passing through an area where an H5N1 outbreak in birds has been confirmed carries a negligible risk of exposure.
In line with cultural practices, mothers are present on the paediatric ward and share the care of severely ill children, thus also sharing the exposure risk.
It's not only burning that puts you at risk. Cumulative exposure (repeated sunbathing without burning) is linked to basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas.
Individuals can reduce the risk of HIV infection by limiting exposure to risk factors. Key approaches for HIV prevention include.
1persons at risk of occupational exposure include professional groups such as cullers, poultry workers, and veterinarians.
1persons at risk of occupational exposure include professional groups such as cullers, poultry workers, and veterinarians.