The banks made too many risky loans which now can't be repaid, and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped.
After the failure of Lehman Brothers, many of the world's largest banks feared the worst as the collapse of the housing bubble exposed investments in risky loans.
These risky loans were known as sub-prime mortgages.
But the real casualties may be homeowners, who often took out risky loans they could barely afford or did not understand.
The more common remedy is to put limits on Banks' assets by forcing them to increase their capital if they make risky loans.
Already, the agency's reserves have been heavily eroded by risky loans it took on in 2008-09 to shore up the housing market.
Banks were able to exploit the first lot of so-called Basel rules, because they could hide risky loans off their balance sheets.
When investors began to turn their nose up at securities linked to souring subprime mortgages and other risky loans, Banks ended up financing them.
It later emerged that a whistleblower at Lehman, who raised concerns about the way it accounted for risky loans, lost his job shortly after speaking out.
Risk and return tend to be positively correlated, in finance because risky loans command higher interest rates and in underwater drilling because risk abatement is costly.
Because it was able to write off risky loans early this year, according to James Kurz, a senior Fonkoze financial adviser, its portfolio at risk has fallen to 5 percent in recent months.
But recent years have seen mortgage loans made to millions of individuals with poor, risky, or insufficient credit - many of whom have either defaulted on the loans or are at risk of doing so.
Basel 2 is a big improvement on the outgoing Basel 1 framework, which simply imposes a flat 8% charge on loans and assets irrespective of how risky they may be.
Us and European financial institutions made risky housing-related loans that have gone bad, causing hundreds of billions of dollars of losses.
When the economy is booming and asset prices are rising, loans seem less risky so Banks are allowed to hold less capital at exactly the moment when they should be showing restraint.
Nobody seemed to worry that Britain's Northern Rock, for example, depended heavily on wholesale borrowing while indulging in more risky mortgage loans.
Traditional distress funds have drifted reluctantly into risky, but still solvent, junk bonds and high-yield loans to keep business ticking along.
Risky, subprime loans, were combined with top rated, prime loans, andpackaged as Mortgaged Backed Securities (MBSs).
高风险的次级贷款结合了高评级的优质贷款 打包成了“住房抵押贷款债券”(MBS)。
But the recent crisis over securities based on risky home loans has brought them new attention.
Weakened by huge losses on risky home loans, the banking industry is now on the shakiest ground since the early 1990s, when more than 800 federally insured institutions failed in a three-year period.
During the last decade, they say, these Banks singled out blacks in Memphis to sell them risky high-cost mortgages and consumer loans.
Banks put up millions of dollars in risky mortgage loans to home buyers who later found they could not keep up with the payments.
Faced with strong foreign demand for AAA-rated securities, American Banks had a strong incentive to create supposedly safe ones from packages of risky home loans.
Canada never had the kind of bubble created by risky 'subprime' home loans that the U.S. had, thanks in part to conservative lending practices.
Newer loans approved under tighter lending standards in 2009 and 2010 are relatively less risky and more profitable.
Risky subprime mortgages grew from 5% of all loans to 20% between 1994 and 2006, while average down payments on houses fell to only 2%.
The idea is that lenders will be more responsible in making loans if they might not be able to pass off risky mortgages to investors.
These highly profitable loans were marketed to risky buyers and then sold to investors.
These highly profitable loans were marketed to risky buyers and then sold to investors.