Listing 5 shows how to write to RMS using a stream.
If there are any missing messages, the RMS will resend those.
The interpretation of data in PIM is more flexible compared to RMS.
It is a fictionalized account of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
In a record-oriented approach, J2ME RMS comprises multiple record stores.
Stallman, who prefers to be called rms, got his start hacking at MIT.
The RMS continues to add incrementing Sequence headers into application messages.
There are two different procedures, depending on whether you have an RMS or not.
It also draws a comparison with RMS, another functionality that deals with device data.
Once this snapshot is done, we cannot change any information on past dates in the RMS.
The RMS can open up its own HTTP port (or other endpoint) to receive acknowledgements on.
Nargeolet of RMS Titanic Inc., which has rights to explore the wreck, first located in 1985.
The patient portal, illustrated in Figure 5, provides a sample reference mash-up on the RMS platform.
In this section, we'll demonstrate the functioning of J2ME RMS by building a phone appointment diary.
在这部分,我们将通过构建一个电话约会簿来说明J 2 MERMS的功能。
The renewal application presents a good opportunity for CEP holders to submit a RMS in their application.
We'll start with a quick overview of RMS, but most of the article (like the tutorial series) will be hands-on.
RMS: Of the various programs I’ve written, the most challenging was GCC, but the one I love most is Emacs.
Using the multimeter, measure and record the rms values of the input as well as the output (volts) in table E2-2.
A record in RMS is a byte array and other J2ME applications will need to have information on how to interpret.
A service such as the Rights Management Services (RMS) Client can only function in conjunction with your email address.
The island's only regular visitor these days is the ageing Royal Mail Ship, RMS St Helena, which docks once a month.
RMS: The basic idea of the GNU General Public License is to assure that all users of the code have the four freedoms.
Records – Unlike the Database systems where each record has one or more fields, a Record in RMS is an individual data field.
Records ——与每条记录拥有一个或多个字段的数据库系统不同,RMS中的一条Record是一个单独的数据字段。
In addition to allowing us to search the RMS for records, this MIDlet beefs up the user interface we've worked with so far.
This section dives a little deeper into the demonstration and focuses on the integration point between the RMS and MyCareTeam.
这个小节进一步探索该演示例子并关注RMS和My CareTeam之间的集成点。
For AC voltage measurement, an RMS converter circuit or a precision rectifier circuit convert the AC signal into a DC voltage.
RMS: Digital Restrictions Management means software or hardware designed to restrict us and control our use of published works.
Put simply, the MIDP Record Management System (RMS) provides a means to store application data that persists across invocations of a MIDlet.
简单地说,MIDP记录管理系统(RMS)提供了一种跨多个MIDlet 调用持久性地存储应用程序数据的手段。
The RMS Titanic was the world's biggest passenger liner when it left Southampton, England, for New York on its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912.
Transactional RMs achieve durability with acceptable performance by summarizing the results of multiple transactions in a single transaction log.