The skills and logistics of getting such a big show on the road pose enormous practical problems.
For instance, if a car driver slows down to let you cross the road, simply raising your hand in acknowledgement is enough to show that you appreciate the driver's consideration.
Now, if we have any doubts that on the Road is mythic in itself, I just want to show you quickly two things. In 2007, on the Road had its fiftieth anniversary of publication.
Meanwhile, at the Consumer Electronics Show this month, HP rolled out "road warrior" models aimed at business travelers.
The first series was sort of a road show where every episode they were going to some new location.
Show him a grand piano, and he'd have to dive into it. Suggest a manhole, and he'd plummet straight down it. Run a cable across the road and he'd go flying into next week(?)
A worker at the fake Apple store on Zhengyi road in Kunming, which most of the photos of the BirdAbroad blog show, said by phone that it is an "Apple store" before hanging up.
Luxury camping doesn't need to be experienced at some snobby retreat - you can take your show on the road and pick your own path with the Crystal Bubble Portable Home.
In the past, farming was almost entirely a subsistence affair with little grown except for maize, and the granaries visible from the road show that this remains the staple food.
The school has long been seen as a symbol of Germany’s road not taken. This show strips away the mythology and looks at the art.
He was 29-years-old and had learnt his English while working for three years alongside a Baptist missionary from Virginia, criss-crossing Romania in a travelling road show.
He keeps them in a large garage in the San Fernando Valley, down the road from the NBC studios in Burbank, California, where "the Tonight Show" is taped.
That some 100,000 Russian war veterans do not even have flats took second place to a show that cost an estimated 3 billion roubles ($94m), half of it for patching up the road surfaces it damaged.
In June, the talk-radio host Glenn Beck, who has supported the Tea Party rebellion, promoted "the Road to Serfdom" on his show; the paperback soon became a No. 1 best-seller on Amazon.
6月,对茶党反抗活动颇为支持的谈话广播节目主持人格伦·贝克(Glenn Beck)在其节目中力推《通往奴役之路》一书;这本书的平装本很快成为了亚马逊网上的畅销第一名。
Clerk: Well, let me show you what we have. We carry road bikes, mountain bikes, beach cruisers, and racing bikes.
This function can record the maintenance condition of the road and bridge, check the damage condition of the road and other structures and show the inquire result and statistics.
Iraqi oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani and other top oil officials plan to meet executives on Tuesday in Istanbul, for a road show of the fields expected to be part of the auction.
伊拉克石油部长沙赫·雷斯塔尼(Hussain al - Shahristani)等高层石油官员计划周二在伊斯坦布尔会见石油公司管理人士,届时将对预计拍卖的部分油田进行路演。
Interest in the stock was so great that Mr. Leslau cut the investor road show short by a week, but the share sale was still oversubscribed.
It cost six pence when it was bought in the mid-Victorian era but was last valued at? 1,000 by experts at the Antiques Road Show in 2005.
So far, the present Road traffic Safety Law seems to show too much mercy to drunken drivers even though they have caused much trouble to the society.
If conditions permit, the issue price range can even be enhanced in the road show process.
The experiment results show that the new control system can avoid the start shock and better respond to the starting intent of driver and road conditions.
The results show that the method of inputting the dummy stochastic road model, which can simulate various kinds of extremity conditions to ADAMS, is feasible and effective.
The one-to-one road show and final pricing carried out by both the manager level and the investors is the last but the most important process.
Pictures posted online show flayed dogs, dogs hanging from meat hooks, and piles of dog corpses on the side of the road.
Random and volatile data of road traffic accidents show poor fitness and low accuracy if forecast by means of the traditional grey model GM (1, 1).
Random and volatile data of road traffic accidents show poor fitness and low accuracy if forecast by means of the traditional grey model GM (1, 1).