There was no road crossing in the city, the two Transos (a man and a woman) walked on each other's way.
Furthermore, an effective method for controlling the load of buried pipeline is to increase cover depth on road crossing pipeline.
The pathetic Xiaohong went out of this world alone. In the city of no road crossing, she put the two Transos together and went to the paradise alone.
The moving to track can be selected and the moving route of the movable toy can be controlled by rotating the turn-plate manually when the movable toy is moved to the road crossing.
I was walking along a busy road when I noticed a young man standing near the crossing selling toys.
They may even do the same thing while crossing a road at a pedestrian crossing or elsewhere.
But when they cross a busy road by using a zebra crossing, the traffic is held up.
My mum fell over and was badly hurt while she was crossing a road on a rainy day.
Go along Gongyuan Road, turn right at the second crossing and it's on your left.
And if one "manages to do it twice", does it mean the dormice choose to cross the road only once, or does it actually mean that none of them survive a second attempt at crossing the road?
ONE reason why traffic is so appalling in Mexico City is that drivers routinely block others from crossing road junctions rather than miss the chance to edge forward before the lights change.
They had just got out of the taxi and were crossing a road with heavy traffic, where there were no traffic lights or crosswalks. She was hit and killed by a speeding bus.
The main road left from Xi'an, going either to the north or south of the Taklamakan desert, one of the most arid in the world, before crossing the Pamir Mountains.
The three-fourths completed road will allow tourists to bypass these villages and drive straight up to Manang, a larger town where many trekkers take a rest the night before crossing the pass.
Experts in our job, in raising children, in crossing the road, in signing our name.
Turning round upon his stool behind the counter, Mr Gills looked out among the instruments in the window, to see if his nephew might be crossing the road.
Avoid Children should try to avoid crossing the road except when the policeman stops the traffic.
Just four more blocks and we waited side by side for the traffic to subside before crossing the street to the dirt road our house was on.
When he was crossing the road, a yellow car ran out of the corner of the Third Street suddenly.
He was 29-years-old and had learnt his English while working for three years alongside a Baptist missionary from Virginia, criss-crossing Romania in a travelling road show.
A minibus whisked me from the hotel up to Arthur's Pass, at some 3, 000ft the highest point on the road-and-rail crossing over the mountains, where I found the train waiting.
And I found a armored car on crossing of GuCui Road.
And I found a armored car on crossing of GuCui Road.