Indeed, the lifetime employment system makes bosses loth to rock the boat (and means they have few other job options if they do).
To them, he symbolized something very different: a youthful challenger who was crushed by a reactionary status quo. His arrest, they said, was a warning to all of them not to rock the boat.
Luckily, we're out in the boat most of the time, with Kyla pointing out rock striations and eagles and tiny wild sheep on the high crags.
We chug upstream through the jungle in a little fishing boat, past deep rock channels, dripping with vines and moss.
It senses its power is growing and this leads to a posture of great self - restraint, even passivity and reluctance to rock the boat.
The idea that teens need to be encouraged to slap the clown or rock the little man in the boat is bizarre.
They don't like people who rock the boat, and I could be seen as a loose cannon to some, because I'm questioning a lot of things.
Mr Tremonti has become a sort of guarantor for the markets that his unpredictable boss will not rock Italy's precarious boat.
More disconcerting is the lack of critical thinking, and at times, blind faith that China is on a roll, so don't rock the boat.
In private, chief executives say they will look for female board members of a particular type: those who will look decorative and not rock the boat.
As for the regulators and policy-makers, they do not want to rock the boat, so they just let it all carry on.
Because shy people can be overly concerned with other peoples' reactions, they don't want to rock the boat.
It's a common occurrence to see your partner falling asleep time and again while you're in the mood to rock the boat.
Daily boat trips are also available to Samothraki, an island that boasts some of the best hot springs in Greece as well as a series of waterfalls and rock pools in which to cool off afterwards.
Now that we are on the way to economic recovery we cannot allow any section of the community to rock the boat by unreasonable demands or irresponsible action.
Where we have to draw a boat tour of the beach, at low tide in the afternoon, I caught the rock is still a small starfish.
I tried to suggest a few ways in which we might improve our image and was told very firmly not to rock the boat.
These people may fear that if they rock the boat in the smallest way, the ones they love will leave.
Smith wants to change the way company sells its goods, but the profits were very large last year and he's been told mot to rock the boat.
Wilson wants to change the way the company sells its goods, but the profits were very large last year and he's been told not to rock the boat.
A few short minutes 'boat ride from the shore finds coral reefs, tropical fish and other Marine life, and fascinating rock grotto formations.
In the summer, one can lounge on a boat on the lake or hit the mountains for hiking, camping and rock climbing.
Influential senior managers are in their last jobs, with no desire or incentive to rock the boat.
These comments make me uncomfortable, but nobody else seems to mind and I don't want to rock the boat.
The boat was gliding out on the receding tide. It slidbefore the Lime Rock, blotted out Ida Lewis's littlehouse, and passed across the turret in which the lightwas hung.
Todd: Don't rock the boat! We have no time! Things are just fine as they are.
Giving favors, gifts, compliments, early protestations of love, and being afraid to rock the boat isn't really giving because something is expected in return.
There's my boat that I made with my two hands , ' he said . 'I keep her under the white rock . We might try that after dark . '
Unluckily, the boat ran up on a rock and this made a lot of sailors and passengers die but Robinson was alive!
Unluckily, the boat ran up on a rock and this made a lot of sailors and passengers die but Robinson was alive!