He reached for a cigarette and lit it, fingers rock steady.
When I'd missed a few times, he suggested I rest the rifle on a rock to steady it.
She was known especially for her verónicas, slow backward swings of the cape with both feet rock-steady as the bull raced towards her, almost upon her.
You never avoid the heaviness of big mountain, you never despise the shallowness of the pool, you are as steady as rock and look storms as the real friend in my study and life.
Soil bacteria could be used to help steady buildings against earthquakes, according to researchers at uc dais . the microbes can literally conert loose, sandy soil into rock.
When the stress reaches a certain level, the accelerated creep damage of rock occurred after the decay creep and steady creep.
Your emotions are your very own GPS (Global Positioning System), a rock-steady, unfailing and unerring "personal navigational device" to get you where you want to go.
The characteristic stress state of rock structure is keeping constant before its losing steady, and suddenly destroyed with releasing energy, namely creep is losing steady.
The monitoring data prove that the surrounding rock is steady, which can provide a reliable technological reference for the transfixion of the section.
Then, the design rock cover is steady under such explosive load. At the same time, the referenced rock cover is offered in view of the economical factors, and the value is testified finally.
The topping field of an earth-rock dam is divided into one-dimensional steady spatially varied flow field and two-dimensional Non-Darcy seepage flow field.
The topping field of an earth-rock dam is divided into one-dimensional steady spatially varied flow field and two-dimensional Non-Darcy seepage flow field.