This is why aluminum is used in rocket fuel to give some additional boost.
Both are valuable as rocket fuel, and the oxygen would also give astronauts air to breathe.
Space programs demand tremendous quantities of liquid hydrogen and oxygen as rocket fuel.
They contain the toxic rocket fuel hydrazine, which can cause harm to anyone who contacts it.
The asteroid would need to posses water so that colonists could extract oxygen and hydrogen for rocket fuel.
Its soil contains raw materials that might be harvested and processed into rocket fuel or breathable air.
The local population claim whole herds of cattle and sheep regularly die as a result of rocket fuel poisoned soil.
Rakija, Balkans Region. A spirit distilled from fermented plums, towards the rocket fuel end of the alcohol spectrum.
Here were bugs that created hydrazine, an extremely unstable compound, used as rocket fuel, that is poison to most living things.
While nitrous oxide is a powerful greenhouse gas, when it's burned as rocket fuel, the only byproducts are hot oxygen and nitrogen.
If it were a race, then United are dragging their owners behind them like a tractor, while City's owners are providing rocket fuel.
Powered by ion propulsion instead of conventional rocket fuel, Dawn slid around Vesta on July 15 after a 1.7 billion-mile cruise.
The moon's raw material could also be turned into the water, oxygen, building materials and rocket fuel needed for human exploration.
But now our ability to scale up our rocket engines has been catching up, and in some cases surpassing our ability to supply the rocket fuel.
Take a moment and think about this how many people on the planet have the talent to figure out how to make rocket fuel from the soil on Mars?
Water is not only used as a key ingredient of human subsistence but also a source of oxygen and rocket fuel necessary for the human lunar bases.
Over the last decade, the rise of data, or the rise of rocket fuel, got a little ahead of our ability to build rocket engines to absorb that fuel.
Having an abundance of water on the moon would make it easier to set up a base camp for astronauts by providing drinking water and an ingredient for rocket fuel.
The cable would connect with some point on Earth located at the equator, and would allow mass to be transferred to orbit using electricity instead of rocket fuel.
If you converted those craters' water into rocket fuel, you'd have enough fuel to launch the equivalent of one space shuttle per day for more than 2000 years.
The analogy is that the rocket engines are the large computers-in Baidu's case, supercomputers we can now build-and the rocket fuel is the huge amounts of data we now have.
Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested the formula for the presence of perchlorate, a chemical used as the main ingredient in solid rocket fuel.
The presence of water on the Moon is also important because it could also be used for rocket fuel and to establish a refueling station on the Moon for solar exploration trips.
Proof that the moon is dynamic and not a dry, desolate world offers hope for a possible future astronaut outpost where water on site could be used for drinking or making rocket fuel.
The explosive mixture in a rocket consists of both a fuel and a supply of oxygen.
So we are burning up an enormous amount of fuel at every launch just to get the rocket up to what's known as escape velocity.
So we are burning up an enormous amount of fuel at every launch just to get the rocket up to what's known as escape velocity.