For example, the model manager role may be performed by anyone "wearing the model manager hat," but that person should be thinking only in terms of what is best for the models.
The role of the employee in this model is simply to follow the directions as given, trusting the judgment and wisdom of the manager to ensure that the right work is being done in the right way.
The traditional role of the manager in the corporate world is based on a model known as "command and control".
Fortunately, both the Membership and Role Manager systems are built on a layered model that I've shown in Figure 8.
Manager - plays the role of Proxy of the active object model; using instances of EventMessage, the Manager determines service invocation requests that are placed into an Activation Queue.
Model manager: a role that is responsible for a specific set of models, usually residing in a conceptual stream.
Where is the role model for the manager who really needs a role model most—the one who by any objective measure of performance cannot, and should not, manage at all?
Where is the role model for the manager who really needs a role model most—the one who by any objective measure of performance cannot, and should not, manage at all?