The guest list reads like a roll-call of the nation's heroes.
All 155 of the party's MPs turned out for the roll-call vote.
Well, but however it may be, there'll be a lot of men missing at roll-call to-morrow!
Rooney's manager Sir Alex Ferguson believes Wayne is a worthy addition to the roll-call of players who've worn the iconic red shirt.
Roll-call: The event will be roll-called in divided regions 40 minutes ahead of the starting time. For elite athletes, roll-call will be done in specified call room.
On this strange anniversary, we can only reflect - again - on the roll-call of missed opportunities and the prospect of years of involvement with a country that seems broken beyond repair.
Participants must wear the number bibs to enter relevant zones for roll-call and wear them throughout the race. The participant will be disqualified from the race if they do not have the number bibs.
The 50 richest members of Congress accounted for 90% of that increase, Roll Call says.
Henry Thorpe had to ring the bell three times before people were quiet enough for roll call to start.
The guest list reads more like a “Trivial Pursuit” question than a roll call of world leaders.
Banks may call in loans, or refuse to roll over short-term credits.
Car companies, for instance, will roll out what they call a halo vehicle, a particular model with special features that helps to sell all the other models in the range.
And while you can certainly buy support contracts, it's really a roll of the dice as to who answers the phone when you call.
And that's when Tim realized that he couldn't be sure he had enough real friends to answer his roll call for casket carriers.
Now the program is going online, with the first two courses set to call roll by mid-month.
"You roll the dice" when making a call for emergency help, admits Ronald Bonneau, who runs a 911 center 30 miles south of Chicago.
And finally — drum roll, please — you can make the actual call to the service, just as the service defines it (except for that ToppingCallback object, which is the subject of the next section).
My nomination for headline of the year comes from the newspaper Roll Call, on July 18: “McConnell Blasts Deficit Spending, Urges Extension of Tax Cuts.”
Lights out | + | + prisoner barracks | + | + prisoners must occupy their own barracks until morning roll call.
熄灯| + | +囚犯兵营| + | +囚犯必须在兵营里面直到隔天的早晨点名时间。
For anyone with a unique name, going through roll call at school may have been a struggle, especially when the teacher butchers your name.
Used to respond to a roll call, attract attention, command an animal, or rebuke, admonish, or concur.
Is in the habit of nodding off at his post during the night shift, which follows evening roll call and runs until morning roll call.
Roll call is the "home town newspaper" of capitol hill. information ranging from straight news to hometown gossip. the hill is an upstart competitor that's a little edgier.
Teacher call the roll and if one miss too much attendance would fail the course, but this way doesn't work that much.
No roll call was immediately available, but the swing votes among non-permanent Council members include Bosnia-Herzegovina, Portugal and Colombia.
Congressional Observer Publications has a bunch of information (including roll call votes) about Congress. This is a commercial site, but it looks good.
Congressional Observer Publications has a bunch of information (including roll call votes) about Congress. This is a commercial site, but it looks good.