With the last roll of the company's Kodachrome film being developed only last month, the release of its new M590 digital camera seems to be right on time.
I paused in the street outside of the gates, fumbling in the too-numerous pockets of my khaki safari suit to find a roll of film and replace it in my camera.
We've had a bad habit for several years, we load the film in the camera, take the picture, and then put the roll of film in a dresser drawer.
Always carry the camera and flash in bag with one extra roll of film and spare batteries.
1888 - George Eastman registers the trademark Kodak, and receives a patent for his camera which USES roll film.
Later, when I want to change the film, in my rush I open the camera on the partially shot roll and shriek, "I just ruined my Trevi Fountain stories."
Later, when I want to change the film, in my rush I open the camera on the partially shot roll and shriek, "I just ruined my Trevi Fountain stories."