This air grinder is used for burr clearing, sanding, polishing, roll scale thining and welding in working ship, chemical machinery, mechanism manufacture repairing and working and so on.
This air grinder is used for burr clearing, sanding, polishing, roll scale thinning and welding in working ship, chemical machinery, and mechanism manufacture repairing and working and so on.
This increase in scale across a diverse set of projects proves the ability to roll out the IBM Rational solution across the organization.
If this is successful, it will allow us to continue the iterative design process - but on a much larger scale, where we could potentially roll out a new feature and then get feedback on it right away.
如果be ta版成功,那么我们将继续交互式设计过程——但是将更加灵活,我们可能推出一个新功能,然后立刻得到反馈。
Finally in Phase 4, upon success, you roll out these capabilities to more teams and projects, on a wider scale, until it becomes business as usual (BAU).
The activities in this phase are focused on validating the roll out approach on a larger scale and building on the experience gained from the pilots.
This has allowed the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) to roll out a large-scale campaign to provide triple-drug ART as standard care.
Used to roll-in, roll-out or other large-scale deletes of rows.
The start strategy is to grow slowly—to smart small, get your business model working well and then roll it out on a bigger scale.
We are very pleased that these things are happening on such a grand scale but we dearly desire them to roll out at a much quicker rate!
It possess important practical application value to roll ability scale, rigidity designing and process optimize optimization.
Use: This aircraft is suitable for the middle and small scale bread flour machine factory to the pulverizer roll polish, the wiredrawing special purpose equipment.
It offers video-imitated golf courses, a racetrack where customers can drive scale racecars, a movie theater where the seats roll and shake in accord with happenings on the screen.
It also studies the handling of stand structure from the calculation of the roll line's variation, allocating scale and specific operation methods, etc.
With modern rolling equipment become large-scale, continual execution, high speed and automatic, the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of roll equipment has already become urgent need.
Two-Stand Hot reversing mill is a reversing mill, two stand roll can realize roughing phase and finishing phase, large-scale rolling force, good shape.
And it also lets us tailor the game for the European market, gauge their reception to the game and to ensure that our infrastructure can support a large-scale MMO roll-out in Europe.
The problem of the key spare-roll vendor selection for the large-scale iron-steel enterprise is studied based on the interval numbers analytic hierarchy process.
The sixth chapter is of micro-dimensional behavior analiysis of large-scale rolling mill back-up roll system and load characteristic of its oil film bearing.
The sixth chapter is of micro-dimensional behavior analiysis of large-scale rolling mill back-up roll system and load characteristic of its oil film bearing.