Look for a sneaker with a high back that will keep your foot from rolling over.
Rolling over a position involves closing the old position and opening a new one.
And the huge amount of Japanese debt rolling over this year need not be a problem.
It crumbles, with a jumble of rock rolling over each other as the mass is pushed upward.
Another way cats can show that vulnerability is by rolling over and exposing their bellies.
Italy depends on rolling over its huge debt load to stay solvent, so a failed auction would be devastating.
Dogs, after a few initial sniffs, begin to play together, chasing one another, and rolling over in the dirt.
While it can seem that the city is intent on stream rolling over its past, you can still see traces of old Edo.
These were not high-sided SUVs, which are prone to rolling over, but its bestselling Camry and Corolla saloons.
You feel a wave of emotions rolling over you, excitement, nervousness, pride, anxiety, and joy at the same time.
Rob Park suggested that some unfinished stories rolling over from one sprint to the next might be a healthy sign.
Rolling over and exposing their bellies is a sure sign of trust and shows that your cat is comfortable around you.
Both their large, full-menu competitors and the more-tightly focused smaller ones are not rolling over, of course.
A proposal from the French banking sector this week on rolling over privately held Greek debt is supposed to clear the way.
The ease of raising cash against assets and of rolling over debt varies over the cycle, and capital rules need to reflect this.
Then all of a sudden the truck slid sideways and ran completely off the dirt road, hit the ditch and began rolling over and over.
The driver briefly stops with the girl underneath the van, before continuing on, its rear tires slowly rolling over her small body.
According to a recent report in the Guardian, a new wave is rolling over workplaces in the US, the UK and other European countries.
And the huge amount of Japanese debt rolling over this year need not be a problem. Investors will simply recycle their existing holdings.
In the current sovereign-debt crisis that is rolling over Europe, speculators, and especially credit-default swaps, are suffering another assault.
You're not going to take your toddler to the gym, but Shu says you can put your child on her tummy to give her the chance to practice rolling over.
Rolling over their debt may become increasingly difficult well before the theoretical limit is reached, something to which Greece and others can testify.
Determining margin, paying and charging interest, rolling over of open positions, liquidating under-margin positions, and supervising rehypothecation of any.
Even if private bondholders can be made to share in some of the pain by rolling over their debts, this will still leave Greek public indebtedness unsustainably high.
The surface is covered with ink by rolling over the surface with an ink-covered roller (brayer), leaving ink upon the flat surface but not in the non-printing areas.
But Sirius XM is not just another firm caught out by the near-impossibility of rolling over big debts in the midst of the credit crunch: it faces even bigger worries.
Until recently, investors were expecting Dubai to meet its obligations by running down its assets or rolling over its loans—not by issuing fresh liabilities to new investors.
Until recently, investors were expecting Dubai to meet its obligations by running down its assets or rolling over its loans—not by issuing fresh liabilities to new investors.