In all but the remotest regions of the empire, Roman pottery of a high standard is common at the sites of humble villages and isolated farmsteads.
Under the Emperor Augustus at the height of the Roman Empire, portrait statues were sent throughout the empire.
The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians.
The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule.
This strange characteristic of concrete made a significant contribution to the success of the Roman Empire.
During the time of the roman Empire (37 BC-476 AD), it was very difficult to make purple dye.
The mosaics of Sepphoris were very likely created by traveling artisans from some other part of the Roman Empire.
As the Roman Empire expanded northward, it organised its activity chart for the most part around the solar year.
I explored the Roman Empire, Babylon, the times of Noah, and Abraham. Any era you can name, I went there.
Chariots maintained their place in parades and triumphs right up until the end of the Roman Empire 1,500 years later.
But chariots maintained their place in parades and triumphs right up until the end of the Roman Empire 1,500 years later.
The Romans began a campaign to expand the Roman Empire, and in 300 years they had conquered most of the Mediterranean area and parts of Europe.
The division of the Roman Empire into two parts was particularly damaging for the Western Empire because it relied on the Eastern Empire for economic support.
In the following centuries, increasingly sophisticated waterpower mills were built throughout the Roman Empire and beyond its boundaries in the Middle East and northern Europe.
In the early Roman Empire, playwrights were sometimes exiled or executed for line constructed as directed against the emperor; thus, Seneca's silence may be simple prudence.
As the Roman Empire grew, the Romans needed to take control of the seas and for this they needed to build harbours capable of holding a fleet of ships.
The origins of glass date back to 3,500 BC but it wasn't until the Roman Empire, 2,000 years ago, that the art of glass-blowing and the practical uses of glass became more widespread.
The Roman empire, by this time, by the year 300, has been divided up into two different basic empires, the west and the east.
The motto attributed to Caesar, "Divede et impera," 4 is as applicable to systems and software development today, as it was for managing the Roman empire two thousand years ago.
凯撒的格言“Divede etimpera”4也适用于今天的系统和软件开发,因为它是两千年以前用来管理罗马帝国的。
I explored the Roman Empire, Babylon, The Times of Noah and Abraham. Any era you can name, I went there.
That becomes the capital of the Roman Empire that goes on for them.
Since then, its excavation has provided an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city at the height of the Roman Empire.
Legally part of the Roman Empire at the time, its foundation does not correspond to its legal existence.
When Saints Peter and Paul came to Rome, the Torah was already being read and the Sabbath observed in the capital of the Roman Empire.
At the time we were still hundreds of years behind Persian Empire and Roman Empire in such fields as medicine, astronomy and mathematics.
The eastern part (which would soon unite with the central portion as the Holy Roman Empire) can roughly be regarded as the beginnings of what is now Germany, the western part, that of France.
The Goths and Vandals make a mess of the Roman Empire next, but the last laugh is on them—most of them will become Romanized, eventually speaking Spanish, Italian and so on.
The Goths and Vandals make a mess of the Roman Empire next, but the last laugh is on them—most of them will become Romanized, eventually speaking Spanish, Italian and so on.