It is verified that roof bolt broken problem may be solved with new type's thick tail bolt.
The paper makes an analysis of the stresses on split-set roof bolt, and gives results of in-situ tests.
There are many kinds of strata in roof bolt hole. Proper using and choosing are available for increasing comprehensive benefit.
Inclined combined beam model with roof bolted are presented and solved, the expressions of support parameters of bolt are derived.
The paper discussed the other parts in the high strength roof bolt support system, including the resin, combined parts and anchor.
When constructing on super section lane, combining roof bolt, anchor cable, anchor cable series, is scientific and reasonable, can achieve good effect.
With material mechanics theory, expounded bolt tail subjected to no center load action and roof bolt broken mechanism while roadway was supported with bolts.
The utility model discloses a roof bolt disassembling machine, including an air leg part, a pneumatic wrench and a sleeve, the lower end of the pneumatic wrench is provided with a flange;
本实用新型公开了一种顶板锚杆拆卸机,包括有气腿部件、气动扳手和套筒,所 述气动扳手下端设有法兰盘;
So that the roof micro-deformed monitoring can be equipped on the roof bolt conveniently and which is more prior in terms of detecting density, cycle and precision in comparison with others'.
A mathematical model of a metal detector is established based on the principles of eddy current detection, which provide a theoretical criterion for selection of parameters of roof bolt detector.
In this paper, the authors introduce the kinds and characteristics of roof bolt diamond bits, and using and choosing methods. They put forward points for attention of using roof bolt diamond bits.
Thes detecting structure instrument of the roof rock is integrated in the pneumatic bolt drill and data processing is adopted BP algorithm of mature net to identify the structure.
The paper introduced the principle and methods of supporting combined the slit wedge bolt in small diameter with steel reinforcement in roadway with compound roof, and obtained economic effects.
Homeproductseven roof flat roof fully use internal wall panel and ones own intensity of the roof boarding, through draw nail, bolt, connection nailed to make.
Discrete element method is used to analyze the roof stability in accordance with the variation of its loading, rock frictional Angle, bolt spacing, rock properties and bolt orientation.
In slicing seams, bolt supporting was utilized under false roof and obtained good result.
Forward support bolt combined with roop rock by bolting can play a roll of combined beam, which can prevent roof rock caving immediately after explosion.
The paper provided the optimum roof support parameters of bolt support in soft thick seam. The applied projects have shown the efficiency of the support.
This paper analysed the cause of falling roof, raised some methods of roof management, such as adjusting mineral blast, bolt support and prediction of roof caving. It ensured safety in mining.
Analyzed the problem that exist in suspension roof support, and presented the new type strong steel big-end bolt can solve this problem.
By computer simulation, we analysis and study the law of wall rock stress distribution, deformation, the axial force of bolt and the roof-off-strata.
In the second step, the prestressed cable is used as reinforced support to the roof plate, and the reinforcement by bolting and grouting with inside grouting bolt is applied to base Angle.
This paper introduces the construction process, common problems and measures of rock roof-bolt.
The project application cases showed that the gob-side entry retaining with bolt support could effectively cut the side roof of the gob-sides and reduce the loading of the support devices.
The parameters of suspension roof support were determined based on hanging action with a bolt-wire or cable truss.
The paper introduces an adjustable compounding light-duty emulsion pump station used for temporary fore support at the roof-bolt face of underground heading roadway.
Practice showed that high pre-stress anchored bolt with high strength was effective method for controlling deformation of deep coal roadway with combined roof above gob.
A roof fall accident that was caused by bolt support is analyzed. The influence of the lane fault to bolt (cable) is pointed out. It has a certain reference for support selection of the same lanes.
Brittle fracture accident and countermeasure of the high-strength bolt of post junction of roof beam of.
The bolt truss were used to reinforce a layer concrete beam in order to simulate a mine roadway support in a mine layer roof.