After a day's motoring, John found a room for rent and holed up in the house.
Hi. I saw your Ad on the bulletin board yesterday. Do you still hae a room for rent?
Hi. I saw your Ad on the bulle1tin board yesterday. Do you still have a room for rent?
Yes, I'm interested in the sign you've put up. I'd like to see what the room for rent looks like.
Photo is owner send in the real, photographs, although small, but home appliance furniture everything, owner of marriage, with room for rent, and real price sincerity real photos.
A lonely Older girls who had an empty room for rentaled. A rental advertising attracted scourge, Under the guise of rent, fugitive robbery went into the room. The girl's fate would bewildering.
Many major cities now have so-called pod hotels - places that rent a teeny room for a tiny price.
Be a pod person. Many major cities now have so-called pod hotels - places that rent a teeny room for a tiny price.
It's less difficult for residents in 'destination' locations near colleges, resorts or cities to rent a room or even the house for a few weeks, months or long term.
I had enough in the bank to finish the trip, get home, rent a room for a month, and maybe buy some "Hot Pockets".
我已经在银行存够了钱继续完成旅行、回家、租上一个月房子,也许还可以买一些“Hot Pockets”(雀巢出品的一种类似热狗的小吃)。
Hence, the giant data centers with plenty of room for anyone willing to pay the rent.
As she was going through the room to begin preparing dinner, Carrie said: the man was here for the rent to-day.
The rent for the room in the basement only accounted for 10% of his total income from selling mobile phones and he could thus save more money.
Rent out a small, upscale conference room at a nearby hotel, and grow your new MeetUp by hosting exclusive, sought-after events that charge a premium for fantastic content.
This leaves room for another house to be moved in next to them which they can rent out or subdivide and sell off.
It costs 1000 RMB to keep the reading room open every month, including 400 RMB rent for the house, 300 RMB tuition and the rest for buying books and charges for water and electricity.
He lives in a low-rent room in Edinburgh and is saving for a trip around 10 European countries.
I want to rent a room which near the school and has convent transport. The house must clean and has bed, desk, wardrobe in it and a good place for study.
I be look for someone who have a room to rent in Manhattan for ten day, starting on the 10 th of July.
There is a double floor apartment for rent, with three bedrooms, one living room and two baths.
There is a double floor apartment for rent, with three bedrooms, one living room and two baths.