Philips Brooks 114. Everything has its root and branch.
This means a root and branch reform of the Chinese economy.
If I don't explain root and branch, he'll be unfairly blamed.
Selfishness is one human being's instincts. It is very difficult to get it out root and branch.
I hope that our service quality could root and branch raise as soon as possible through our joint efforts.
They are savage, fight without honour, and want nothing more than to eradicate the Empire, root and branch.
After much deep root and branch change, which is another story, it did not die but I am sure you get my point.
After the construction, all garbage in Jiguan district, the center of Jixi, and its neighboring districts and cities will be disposed harmless to improve the urban environment root and branch.
An absolute pathname begins with the root directory and follows the tree branch by branch until the path to the desired directory or file is completed.
The root directory, denoted by a forward slash (/), is at the base of this tree, and each subdirectory off of the root is a branch of the tree.
根目录是这个树的根,由前向斜杠 (/)表示。每个子目录都是树的分支。
Royal houses resemble those Indian fig-trees, each branch of which, bending over to the earth, takes root and becomes a fig-tree itself.
Trunk biomass was the highest in the arbor biomass and root, branch and leaf came to the next.
In the network model, Nodes change between the three roles: root node, branch node and leaf node, to organize and maintain the network tree structure.
Experiment on clonal propagation of Euonymus carnosus by cutting and grafting demonstrated that cuttings had difficulty to have root, therefore, 1-year branch had only 1.
METHOD HPLC gradient elution method was used with methanol-water as the mobile phase to determine the contents of triptolide in its root, branch and leaf at different periods of its storage.
The two root canals, root canal diverge and root canal branch et al have considerable incidence. Besides, mesial-distal root canal walls of mandibular incisor teeth are thin.
The survival rate of the biennial branch is the highest, especially the biennial taking root powder (49.1%), it is about 15% higher than the annual and perennial one.
Trunk and leaf had the most and the least accumulation of the elements, respectively, and branch and root were comparable.
To does wet slices, the smashing and so on lumber, root, branch, bamboo, reed, all may disposable complete.
The AC of leaf, branch, root and stem increased as the stand ages increased, the GCV of them changed oppositely.
Cadmium, chromium and lead in the root, branch, leaf, peel and fruit of navel orange from South Jiangxi Province were determined by ICP-AES, after the microwave digestion of the samples.
Then they took turns to cut a branch of a tree, and removed the part of the tree which had already not connected with the root.
MethodsUnder aseptic circumstance, the adventitious root formation of the cutting branch and explant of Gynostemma Pentaphyllum and growth hormone intervention in the root formation were observed.
MethodsUnder aseptic circumstance, the adventitious root formation of the cutting branch and explant of Gynostemma Pentaphyllum and growth hormone intervention in the root formation were observed.