How do you take plant fibers that individually you could break with your hands and turn them into a rope that's strong enough to moor a ship that weighs thousands of tons?
A rope from the second vessel was secured around the shark's tail, but repeated efforts to tow the fish into the water failed.
They had twisted the sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.
When my dog is scared into crying, the rope in my hands becomes light.
Here's why: In 1830 a local official named George Rankin lowered himself into the cave on a rope tied to a protrusion in the cave wall.
原因如下:1830年,一位名叫乔治·兰金(George Rankin)的当地官员用一根绳子把自己吊入洞穴,这根绳子固定在洞穴壁的一个突出石块上。
Isaac tucked his shirt into his trousers then tugged the rope all out.
Suppose I had a rope, that stretched from that into the room, all the way across — to this end of the room.
The width of the gap between the longer rope and the object that’s taken into consideration is R-r.
Nearly 200 schoolkids at the San Francisco School proved that Monday as they clomped and hopped their way into what they feel pretty sure will be a spot in the Guinness World Records for jumping rope.
At the main Shanghai store of Louis Vuitton there is a queue to get in at weekends - young women wait patiently in the rope line, as if they were trying to get into the hottest new LA club.
At the Embassy gate, a marine asked to see our passports, and then we got the kids out of the cars, and, holding on to the rope, they crossed the road and went into the outer courtyard.
在大使馆门口,一位海军陆战队士兵检查了我们的护照,然后我们带领孩子们下了车。 孩子们紧紧牵着绳子,穿过了街道,走进外院里等候。
The power of thought was restored; he knew that the rope had broken and he had fallen into the stream.
On another, the boatman — also basking in the sun — leisurely twists some yarn into rope.
THE Indian rope trick is a legendary feat of magic in which a boy climbs a rope only to disappear into thin air at the top.
Securing the rope at ground level, I went up to the roof, swung the barrel out and loaded the brick into it.
If so, they may be able to slip past the velvet rope and into the exclusive dwarf-planet club.
Then Simpson fell into a crevasse and Yates eventually had no choice but to cut the rope, utterly convinced that his friend was now dead.
To improve performance, rope introduces a write method that accepts a writer and a range specification and writes the rope's specified range into the writer.
So with WG also getting into her kids clothes, the three of them play jump rope while the school burns down around them.
In the desert, the vehicle must bring their own rope and hoist, so that once the car into the sand can save themselves.
Sandburg and lindsay walked the tight-rope; if the tension of their verse slackened; they were precipitated into extremes of prosiness or sentimentality .
Like a faithful guide, it must follow its client into the jungle, making sure to bring along a rope and plenty of water.
According to different purposes, divided into computer bag, sports bag, backpack, bag, backpack beam rope, climbing bag and so on.
You can fashion a tent shelter by running rope down the center of the poncho between two trees, then staking the sides into the ground with sharp sticks to create an A-frame.
Unexpectedly, the teaching of the cattle into a very fine leather rope, the whole of the Lotus Pond have been turned around.
Marriage is a rope, set on the neck just into knots and solution doesn't open forever, just have a god of death sickle cut off.
Marriage is a rope, set on the neck just into knots and solution doesn't open forever, just have a god of death sickle cut off.