For polio, the World Health Organization (WHO) has played the central role with Rotary International, the Centers for Disease Control, and UNICEF as key partners.
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is spearheaded by the World Health Organization, Rotary International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and UNICEF.
I am speaking to the other spearheading partners: Rotary International, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UNICEF.
This entire initiative began because of the vision of Rotary International, one of the oldest civil society organizations in the world.
Mr. Sergeant's vision guided the formation and direction of the Initiative, which is led by Rotary International, WHO, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and UNICEF.
While Rotary International strongly supports community efforts, it also stresses the importance of service for international causes.
William T. Sergeant, for 12 years the leader of the programme overseeing polio eradication within Rotary International, received a personal citation from the WHO, at the World Health Assembly.
在国际扶轮社监督根除脊髓灰质炎的规划担任领导人达12年之久的Williamt .Sergeant在世界卫生大会上获得世卫组织给予的个人嘉奖。
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is spearheaded by WHO, Rotary International, CDC and UNICEF.
What report requirement do clubs have to Rotary International?
The Board has a particularly heavy burden: Even though each director is elected from two zones, it is vital that the director looks for what is best for Rotary International, not just the two zones.
Each of the regional magazines spotlights Rotary activities in its part of the world while featuring news and information on Rotary International.
We need to be strong in membership so that through Service Above Self we can continue to show the world the great leadership of Rotary International.
The decision to support Rotary is really up to the individuals and is not something that Rotary International can force upon anybody.
ROTARY International is the worldwide owner of the ROTARY Marks, including the word, ROTARY.
Let us continue to do so through Service Above Self, showing the world the great leadership of Rotary International.
Through Service Above Self we can all create awareness both internally and externally, thus showing the world the great leadership of Rotary International.
On the other hand, the Permanent Fund guarantees the future of Rotary International service, and the perpetuity of our Foundation.
Long before PolioPlus became an official program of Rotary International, many Rotary clubs had been helping victims of the disease through projects that provided resources such as wheelchairs.
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, throughout its history, has prided itself on being responsive to the challenges that confront humanity.
We genuinely appreciate your Rotary service, particularly as relates to giving Rotary International high visibility in your community.
Rotary International presidents can't have favorites among Rotary programs.
Every year, hundreds of Rotaract clubs submit details about their exceptional service projects to Rotary International.
The Secretariat of Rotary International acts as a clearinghouse for Rotary clubs worldwide, gathering, analyzing, translating, and disseminating Rotary information.
As district governor, you are to ensure that clubs are not delinquent in their financial obligations to Rotary International.
Shares success stories with the Area Coordinator and Rotary International staff contacts for publication in the Task Force E-Newsletter, the Rotary Newsbasket, RotaryWorld or the ROTARIAN.
They also represent a wonderful source of future Rotarians, already acquainted with the ideals of Rotary International.
How will you use Rotary International Membership Coordinators in your district?
How will you use Rotary International Membership Coordinators in your district?