Rough set theory, as an effective tool to deal with vagueness and uncertainty, is effective to the time series data mining.
In order to extract simple and effective diagnostic rales from inconsistent diagnostic information, an extraction method of decision rules for fault diagnosis based on rough set theory is proposed.
This paper discusses a new intelligent control method called rough control, and presents the basic concepts of rough set theory.
Reduction and core are two important concepts in rough set theory, while computing reductions and core according to the definitions directly is a typical NP problem.
So it enlarges the application area of rough set theory and provides a new method for modeling in welding area, and has a large potential of wide application.
Rough set theory is used to mine the knowledge and get the essence characteristics of the continuous data.
This paper briefly introduces the principles and methods of the data mining and the rough set theory, and gives an example on the diagnosis and evaluation of the lung tumor.
Rough set theory is a novel mathematical tool dealing vagueness and uncertainty.
Rough set theory has been aiming at data analysis problems involving uncertain or imprecise information.
An example resulting from running is given, which shows the practical significance to the applications of rough set theory.
The median filtering method based upon Rough set theory was applied to the sonar image processing, and the demonstration was given.
Rough set theory is a new mathematical tool to deal with vagueness and Uncertainty problem after probability theory, fuzzy sets, mathematical theory of evidence.
Rough set-based method of combinatory logic optimization was presented by using knowledge expression of logic function with rough set theory, and its corresponding algorithm was given, also.
This paper introduces a method for mining risk rules using Rough Set theory.
The Out-lier algorithm based on density and attribution classical discrepant data protocol algorithm based on rough set theory were presented.
In order to raise the efficiency, automatization and intelligentization of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis for complex equipment systems, rough set theory is used to the field.
This tactics carry out data compaction on data samples and extract initial diagnostic rule by using rough set theory.
Based on rough set theory, a rule inference approach of integrating the importance of attributes with the emergence frequency of attribute value is proposed.
The output forecasting influenced by uncertain history-data of film evaporators is studied by Rough Set theory.
To avoid the subjectiveness of experts in extracting diagnosis rules, rough set theory is introduced into extracting diagnosis rules.
For improving, applying rough set theory, analyses the test paper, and discovers both redundance and significant level information.
Rough set theory, proposed in early 1982, is a new mathematical tool in dealing with imprecision and uncertainty.
In this paper, application about discernibility matrix arithmetic and HORAFA arithmetic based on the rough set theory is introduced.
Tolerance relation is an effective tool in patulous rough set theory to deal with incomplete information systems.
A method of compressor fault diagnosis based on rough set theory is proposed.
Rough set theory is a newly developed mathematical tool for dealing with uncertain knowledge.
This article applies the generalized covering rough set theory to information retrieval model.
This paper has studied an effective intelligent decision method based on rough set theory and neural network.
It selects the main factors that affect the airflow stability by rough set theory.
By using rough set theory, this paper structures classification rules and processes the support vector machine feedback results with learning the train set.