Many people who read the rough draft of this book were upset by parts of it.
Better to hammer out a rough draft and revise later than spin your wheels for hours.
Start with a rough draft and then get your friends and family to proof read it.
The essay is due next Monday, I have done a rough draft but haven't written it up yet.
Having a rough draft of the site's structure makes easy placing the elements on the design.
That's not the point of the rough draft - the point is just to get your thoughts onto paper.
Still, he pressed on, and at the end of July was predicting a completed "rough draft" by October.
Go over your finished rough draft with a fine-tooth comb and clean it up as much as you can.
We'd better draw up a rough draft to the contract then talk it over in detail at our next meeting.
We'd better draw up a rough draft to the contract then talk it over in detail at our next meeting.
Sure God created man before woman. But then you always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece.
The rough draft of any research report should be edited to ensure that all data is correctly presented.
Rhetorical flourishes to dictionary to find, beautiful words need to think, sincere greetings not rough draft.
Someone once said, Journalism is the first rough draft of history. No wonder journalists always get things wrong.
ROUGH DRAFT of first paper due at the beginning of class. We will spend most of the class working on peer editing.
Someone once said, "Journalism is the first rough draft of history." No wonder journalists always get things wrong.
A development plan that involves writing a rough draft of a program, testing, and correcting errors as they are found.
Sure God created man before woman, but then again you always make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece.
Tutors can help at any stage of the writing process, but can be most helpful if you provide them with a complete rough draft.
Homework this week is to have a rough draft of their final speech written, and to know whether it is an informative or persuasive speech.
The earliest incarnation of Coruscant appeared in the rough draft scripts of Star Wars, when the Imperial capital world was known as Alderaan.
There will be four major writing assignments; you will submit each assignment in a first version (not a "rough draft") and later, in revised form.
Author's note: This post begins the rough draft of the third chapter of my book in progress, Going Mild: 7 Ways to Lead a Life of Quiet Inspiration.
I wrote the first two scenes, and when we got back, I sat down and wrote a very rough draft of the script using the split screen method that Ang suggested.
A few days after the call from Ms. Cahill, I was back in my hotel room in Springfield, making notes for a rough draft of the speech while watching a basketball game.
A few days after the call from Ms. Cahill, I was back in my hotel room in Springfield, making notes for a rough draft of the speech while watching a basketball game.