We were only able to make a rough estimate of how much fuel would be required.
As a rough estimate, Nigeria is three times the size of Great Britain.
Each tool option calculates a rough estimate of the bytes consumed.
We were only able to make a rough estimate of how much money would be required.
The builder said that at a rough estimate the job would take about a fortnight to complete.
The Techline team provides a rough estimate of the hardware required to satisfy those requirements.
As a rough estimate, the script launches two delayed_job workers per Elastic Compute Unit (ECU).
粗略地估计,这个脚本在每一个ElasticComputeUnit (ecu)期间会启动两个delayed_job工作者。
It's better to determine some guidelines, start with a good rough estimate, and then go from there.
The heat signature shows a rough estimate of temperature, with yellow being hottest and red coolest.
From a purely mechanical standpoint rough estimate, our body also has more than 200 degrees of freedom.
This is a rough estimate, but it serves as a baseline that must be added to any desired threshold for testing.
According to our sales forecast of 2010 automobile market, I can offer a rough estimate for your reference.
The product of these values provides a rough estimate of the total time required to effect the entire migration.
If you don't feel comfortable making a rough estimate of the asset's future earnings, just forget it and move on.
This would give a rough estimate of motor length and therefore indicate whether the application is feasible or not.
Therefore, please have a rough estimate for me if you all can invite your friends to come and meet this requirement.
"If you don" t feel comfortable making a rough estimate of the asset "s future earnings, just forget it and move on."
We would like a container full of the above items, therefore if you could come up with a rough estimate of them, we will appreciate.
The first pass at the product-definition phase should allow you to establish a good rough estimate for an interface's cost, complexity, and design time.
The National Bureau of statistics has not mentioned a precise birth rate figure, though it is possible to come up with a rough estimate using other statistics.
There is also no reliable way to determine the content of collagen in liver. The diagnose of liver fibrosis based only on a rough estimate has a limited applications.
Add 10 computers, office space, Internet connectivity, copy machines and other routine expenses, and a rough estimate of the overall cost of localization can be made.
Add 10 computers, office space, Internet connectivity, copy machines and other routine expenses, and a rough estimate of the overall cost of localization can be made.