The information collected by the five senses is the rough material for actors to produce experience.
At the same time the rough material of the walls is well contrasted with the delicate black entrance door.
Brushing: Small areas on very rough material may be treated using a flat brush or a roller (which may be fed continuously with an airless pump).
Rough material concept is similarly used for adjacent buildings in the garden, and it is repeated within load-bearing concrete block walls in the interior.
At the time of his death he had carried his story through the Taft administration; the rest of the material, far more copious and detailed, remained in the form of isolated chapters and rough notes.
Burchard shaped the new material into rough - textured lightning bolts of foam that locked together to stay put under the weight of heavy, priceless objects.
These results are independent of the surface material, and are valid for both sinusoidal and ran- dom rough surfaces.
Honing experiments are executed and the relationships between reticulate cross-angle, honing pressure, honing rates and material removal rate are analyzed in rough honing.
Surface paint molecules provide inlaid evenly and slightly rough, organic or inorganic material coating shall contain polar groups charged.
The actual material weighs heavily in the equation, rough surfaces for example will reflect light back very differently than a smooth surface.
The diatom mud wall material although superior performance, but its texture is relatively rough, the use of space subject to certain limitations.
3 material types were used for the interior: rough cutter-surfaced board on the walls, veneer furniture and parquet floor.
In the process of rough rolling, the alloy semisteel was chosen, and the unlimited chrome and molybdenum chilled iron roll material was used in the process of fine rolling.
Rough machining shall be performed so as to remove all mill decarburization from the raw material surface.
By choosing different specifications of precision filtration material, can achieve the requirement of precision filtration, rough filtration, micro filter, etc.
Applicable to feed the large mixture material equably, necessary to be equipmented with rough crusher.
This method gives a rough indication of the heat output of the material under test so that an assessment of its possible performance in a real fire situation can be made.
These properties make this kind of material grades of tool material is used for rough machining of hardened steel and pearlitic gray cast iron.
From the rough texture, watch, rich color, diatom mud broke the previous walling material bondage, which can better satisfy consumers to pursue the personality requirements.
After rough grinding in the first hopper , by monolayer partition panel, the material will enter the second hopper, which has plane scale board with steel ball inside to grind material.
The methods used in the improvement measurement includes demand forecasting, rough capacity planning, work job queuing method, ABC material management, etc.
But it because the quality of material brittle, the manufacture is actually rough, the market narrow and small and so on reasons are called are "the most inexpensive artware".
In chapter 4, the paper attempts to use rough set theory and Artificial Neural Network in the prediction of the material cost of the cooling tower.
A tool path scheduling methodology for 3D engrave models is presented, which performs rough machining by z-level milling first, then finish machining corner uncut material with pencil tracing.
A tool path scheduling methodology for 3D engrave models is presented, which performs rough machining by z-level milling first, then finish machining corner uncut material with pencil tracing.