It's a rough number because certain referral sources will send better traffic but over time you'll see the trend emerge.
You might be surprised to hear that the number of people sleeping rough in London has doubled in the last five years and has increased by 30% across the rest of the country during the last two years.
Another advantage is that UML offers a more synthetic view: One glance at a model gives you a rough idea of the number of classes and the complexity of the relationships.
With the rough seas of the monsoon season becoming calmer, attacks are expected to increase sharply in number and geographical scope until April.
It's basically a way to visually brainstorm where you don't obsess and tweak but instead rough out a large number of possibilities.
The chart in Figure 1 shows you a rough idea of the give-and-take relationship between manageability and speed versus the number of functions you use.
As a rough guide, job evaluation, like many pay management techniques, tends to be desirable in organisations once the number of employees exceeds around 50.
Because the cathode polarization effect more than a range, will lead to a large number of hydrogen, and separation coating becomes porous, rough, loose, scorched, even the powder, quality just drop.
Through utilization of the rough set approach, the number of image features is significantly reduced, the structure of system reduced, and then the running speed improved.
Select the side seams separately for asymmetric hair, exposing full forehead, hair can be a little rough at random a number, so that young women can innocent, sweet, cute and so bluntly demonstrated.
But with the increase in the number of listed companies, more and more listed companies face rough credit risk because of financial changes.
In practice, rough variables may not be real number values, and their values may be continuous functions, bounded variation functions and so on.
In terms of the new characteristics of current data, which is widely distributed, dynamic, rough and so on, a number of intelligent data mining technology come into being.
Experimental results of heat transfer to rough walls are given here for sphere cone models at Mach number 5.
For the too high expense, the number of reliability experiment is limited, so the estimate of the parameters of failure probability is rough.
Easier said than done on building roads in the roof of the world, more than a dozen mountain range to climb the mountain and a number of rough, biting rivers.
Easier said than done on building roads in the roof of the world, more than a dozen mountain range to climb the mountain and a number of rough, biting rivers.