In the texture category, the researchers tested metaphors such as "having a rough day" and "using coarse language," by giving people a puzzle to solve that was either smooth or covered in sand paper.
Like a sand dune, the pavilion appears smooth on the side that bears the full force of the wind and rough and textured on the other side.
For both materials (especially HD80), rough up the glue surface first with coarse sand paper, then apply a coat of cement and let it dry.
The surface's treatment of the concrete volumes provides a contrast between the outside with a rough finish created by a shuttering of sand blasted pine strips and an interior of smooth finishes.
Stainless steel tube surface after sand blasting become rough and very evenly, can enhance the paint adhesion layer on the surface of stainless steel pipe.
There, I proceeded to sand down the back of each toy creating a flat, rough surface onto which I could glue strong magnets.
The common defects of the housing casting include cracks, sand drop, slag inclusion, shrinkage porosity and rough grain, etc.
Surface must be completely cleam. dry and free of dust and oil. If applieed on plastic, polish the surface with sand paper to make it rough.
Compared with nature sand, MS (manufactured sand) is characteristic of rough particle and angular, with a large amount of stone dust and lithofacies diversity.
Compared with nature sand, MS (manufactured sand) is characteristic of rough particle and angular, with a large amount of stone dust and lithofacies diversity.