If you're constipated you should eat more roughage.
Insoluble fiber, commonly called "roughage", promotes a healthy digestive tract.
Some cats enjoy chomping on plants every once in a while to get roughage or fiber.
Throughout a horse's lifetime, its teeth wear naturally from eating roughage and processed feeds.
This paper aims to open up new resources of roughage to provide the technical guidance and basis for scientific rearing of livestock.
Fibre can be lacking in children's diets, the increased use of more convenience meals and fast foods may lead to less natural roughage in the diet.
As the advertisement says, food products with roughage are not only full of nutrition, but also contain fiber which helps you digest food and makes you feel full.
Some cats munch on grass or other plants, but most biologists agree that such roughage serves only as a digestive aid and provides limited if any nutritional value.
Improving the growth of rumen microorganisms by supplementing some nutrients into ruminant's ration is an essential way to improve the nutritive value of roughage.
They observed that the clumps of roughage left behind by elephants ferrying tourists up to the fort bore a striking similarity to the raw fibre used in paper-making.
Abstract: This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different roughage combinations on dietary nutrient apparent digestibility and nitrogen balance of goats.
The effects of different levels of additive soy phosphatide in the diet of early lactation cows with northeast hay and corn silage as roughage on their performance were studied.
The effects of different levels of additive soy phosphatide in the diet of early lactation cows with northeast hay and corn silage as roughage on their performance were studied.