UniCredit, Italy's biggest bank, hopes to sit this round out.
His drawings, and works by his pupils, will round out the show.
These studies round out the results of many years of research.
The only way to round out your education is by going deep into the realities of life.
I think of philosophy as attempting to round out 'the system of the world', as Newton put it.
Add some low-fat cheese to round out a side dish with immune-enhancing B vitamins and vitamin d.
A pair of forward-facing short range blaster cannons round out the AAT's energy-weapon complement.
I still have to round out the sharp edges you see there as the bag could snag on those and down we go.
The JDBC 3.0 specification is set forth primarily to round out the feature set of prior JDBC specifications.
设计JDBC 3.0规范的初衷主要是让原先的JDBC规范下的功能更加完美。
Representatives from external consulting firms and infrastructure management team members round out the team.
Exclusion rules to prevent unwanted tables and columns from being repeatedly suggested round out this feature.
Finally, we'll round out our creature concept with an overall paint-over to add details to really make it pop.
To round out the set and allow for universal quantum computation, we need the Controlled Phase function, CPhase .
要使集合完整并考虑普遍的量子计算,那么我们需要受控相位函数,CPhase 。
Smart people toss in a lot of complicated math to round out these ideas, but that usually distracts from the basics.
Buffett ran his five paper routes like an assembly line and even added magazines to round out his product offerings.
In the next installment we shall round out the techniques for development of our software repository as a Web Service.
Round out your farm fieldtrip with a hands-on cooking lesson with your kids, using the fresh fruits/vegetables you gathered.
Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Aniston, Johnny Depp, Nicolas Cage and Sarah Jessica Parker round out the top 10.
It also helps to round out the design by showing the information architect how the taxonomy gets implemented at the page level.
Tech plays round out the top three categories, with 18 companies providing a smorgasbord of software and semiconductor products.
Princeton University (no. 2), Amherst College (no. 3), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (no. 5) round out the top five.
To round out the home maintenance schedule I leave you with these few things to do around the house to ensure you stay warm and dry this winter.
3tera is also seeking additional infrastructure and software vendors to round out AppStore offerings in time for its beta release in Q3 2009.
3tera公司仍在寻找其他基础架构和软件销售商,以便为AppSotre的2009 Q3测试版及时提供软件订阅。
I'll round out the article with some discussion of the approaches available for indexing and searching spatial information using Lucene and Solr.
Plentitube also is trying to raise several million dollars in venture capital and bring on some more seasoned executives to round out its management team.
Send you a bowl of dumplings, you will circle the dream of a career, round out the warm love, to family reunion, happiness year round to the good fortune!
Additionally, some software publishers have been acquiring smaller game developers to round out their skills and ensure a steady flow of production and distribution.
Send you a bowl of dumplings, you will circle the dream of a career, round out the warm love, to family happy reunion, round brilliant in the year of the monkey to fortune!
The new feature joins Chrome's other sync options, in place for some time (Bookmarks, Preferences and Themes), to more fully round out the browser's synchronization platform.
Note that the project manager may always make Suggestions as to what work someone should consider choosing, particularly if they wish the individual to round out their skill set.