With airline fares continuously skyrocketing, this round trip airfare ticket is easily worth about $500.
Man purchasing round trip ticket to board the Statue of Liberty ferry in New York on May 1, 1968. (AP Photo)
In the second half of May, a round trip ticket between Beijing and Frankfurt is less than four-thousand yuan. And the price for Beijing-Bangkok flights is only 15-hundred yuan.
They said they installed aluminium sidings, and bought a bus ticket for him; but when he turned round to say goodbye, they had gone.
First, an individual's quotation for each tour includes the cost for transportation, accommodation, meals, sight-seeing, tour guides service and round international air ticket.
First, an individual’s quotation for each tour includes the cost for transportation, accommodation, meals, sight-seeing, tour guides service and round international air ticket.
Why do airlines charge less for a round-trip trip ticket if the traveler stays over a Saturday night?
If someone like yourself volunteers, they receive a free round trip ticket to be used within one year.
And, like pretty much all these "gurus", he demands a first-class round-trip flight ticket to boot.
The unofficial ticket dealers say that of the 48 matches in the first round, only three are easy to sell.
The man gives up looking at the woman--he thinks she may be about twenty-fiveand buys a round-trip, coach class ticket to an eastern city.
A total of 1.38m tickets for 244 events are on offer in the third round of domestic ticket sales for the Beijing Olympics starting from 9am Monday.
Recently, some passengers said, buy the same Airlines round-trip ticket, but did not catch the plane trip, return ticket can not use the normal.
It recalled that stormy night and enclosed a round-trip ticket to New York, asking the young man to pay them a visit.
OK, I'm ready for the news. Uncle Brendan and Aunt Anne did what? They gave you what? A round-trip ticket to San Francisco?
The employee will be entitled to only one round trip ticket to serve for both the business trip and the vacation.
Provisional Books or Itinerary of travel arrangements (Round trip ticket with fixed dates) is a must. Ticket should not be purchased before the visa is issued.
I paid the US$33 for my round trip train ticket for the 90-minute (each way) journey, and waited at the gate for the train conductor's boarding call.
Round trip economy class air ticket between Kuala Lumpur and Taipei on EVA Airways.
You can buy a round-trip ticket. A round-trip ticket saves you about 15% of the fare.
The "London Explorer", the under-ground and bus round-trip ticket, is available.
A round trip ticket saves you about 15% of the fare.
The round trip ticket says we have to go back before 10 PM.
I've got an open ticket so I don't have to make my mind up before I go. I can change my plans as I go round.
Has now proved to be 25 million sports fans in the first round draw in the lost ticket.
I and snake Leaving Changting of Fujian province, my next station is Guanxi round house in Jiangxi province, I found there was a direct train to Guanxi when I bought ticket at the railway station.
I and snake Leaving Changting of Fujian province, my next station is Guanxi round house in Jiangxi province, I found there was a direct train to Guanxi when I bought ticket at the railway station.